I love my femininity positive affirmations by Julia Noyel

I love my femininity positiv

I love my femininity positive affirmations

by Julia Noyel


Here are 5 positive affirmations that can help you  :

I love my feminity
It is ok to be feminine
I am a beautiful woman
It is good to do feminine things
I love being a woman

Being a woman and feminine is wonderful. Give peace to you, others.

You want more affirmations, help, guidance, intuitive insights?

In my self-coaching program get true deep love back into your life success on all levels I show you how you can help yourself, creating the deep loving relationship with yourself, your man. Learn more about the program here.

You need 1:1 coaching, guidance, my intuitive insights? Check out my coaching services here.

Have a great day,



@Julia Noyel 2024. profile picture Julia Noyel.