coaching packages INFP highly sensitive
creative intuitive empath
by Julia Noyel
You are INFP highly sensitive creative intuitive empath you want to reach your goals in all areas of your life : a deep & romantic long-lasting “aging together relationship with the person you truly deeply love”, being a loving spouse, be a mom, having happy, healthy, successful children, being happy, good relationship with your family, being happy, healthy, successful in your job , having the job you truly deeply love, earning good money?

My aim is to help you to reach your goals. NOW.
I offer different coaching packages adapted to your specific needs. I work intuitive, practical, strategical. session are online, or by phone. All coaching sessions are customized.
I speak French, German, English.
Coaching packages
1 hour 160 EUR (VAT included)
this 1 hour coaching session is best for you if you want to discuss one topic, get answer to one question, discover my coaching sessions. Payment is upon order. You get 10% reduction on my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels if you book one of my coaching packages.
in depth coaching (two options available)
5 hours 750 EUR (VAT included)
this 5 hours coaching package is best for you if you want to create your ideal life, get clarity, get answers to your questions, get intuitive guidance. Payment is upon order. You get 10% reduction on my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels if you book one of my coaching packages.
10 hours 1500 EUR (VAT included)
this 10 hours coaching package is best for you if you want to create your ideal life, get clarity, get answers to your questions, get intuitive guidance, have a deep follow up. Payment is upon order. You get 10% reduction on my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels if you book one of my coaching packages.
strategic success coaching
1/2 day 450 EUR (VAT included)
this coaching package is best for you if you want to create quick action plan, prioritise topics you need to work on, best tools to reach your goals. Payment is upon order. You get 10% reduction on my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels if you book one of my coaching packages.
1 day 750 EUR (VAT included)
this coaching package is best for you if you want to create quick action plan, prioritise topics you need to work on, best tools to reach your goals, start working on identified topics. Payment is upon order. You get 10% reduction on my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels if you book one of my coaching packages.
Topics we can discuss during a coaching
- live a happy, healthy, successful life
- intuitive life
- self-confidence, true love
- happy couple, get your ex back
- handle your emotions, resilience
- business alignment & wealth
- feminity, use your intuition, master your spiritual gift in safe healthy, protected ways
- manage your unique talent in every day life
- realise your goals, reach success NOW
- handle paranormal appearances, hearing voices, clearsentience, clearvoyance, clearaudience, clearcognizance
- organisation, efficiency, time management for creatives, intuitives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empathes, expats
- communicate efficiently, promote yourself
- create your company, work on your own, create an intuitive/creative business, career, abundance
- create your coaching, consulting, training business
- product development, creating your personal, creating your business unique value proposition
- marketing advice for intuitives, creatives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empaths
- change your life for the better, safe energy work
- create a family, pregnancy, get pregnant naturally
- be a best parent, raise children
- have enough time for yourself, your children, your relationship
- highly sensitive, creative, highly intuitive INFP, empath, twin flame topics
contact me by email
to book your coaching package NOW (-:
Please notice that by contacting me, you agree your data (such as phone number, email address, name and reason for contacting me, and date) is collected and processed as long as you and me, we are in a business relationship, e.g. for subscription and payment
for any products and services you purchase as further detailed in my privacy policy.
© Julia Noyel 2024. photo de profile Julia Noyel