Category Archives: shop eng

highly sensitive INFP Public speaking, have more confidence in yourself every moment Lyon online

highly sensitive INFP Public speaking, have more confidence in yourself every moment Lyon online

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel_Coach réussir sa vieYou are highly sensitive, INFP, creative, intuitive? You want to feel confident in public speaking?



What I offer

I propose Individual coaching, role play, exercise, practice. At any level. Intuitive, I also work on a subconscious level, as specialist in body-mind-soul communication I can help you to feel, think positively.

About me

I am certified coach, professional trainer, former teacher at Business Schools in Lyon, Paris area. I thelp people mastering the the art of a different, happy, healthy, successful life, including communication, emotion management, self-confidence. I am expert in people management, self-confidence, founder of the art of a different life, happy, healthy and successful.

Langues :

French, German English

Hourly rate :

1h : 160€

Coaching packages

3h: 450 €

5h : 750 €

10h : 1500 €

check out details, all my coaching offers & book your session here.

© Julia Noyel 2024.

Expat Coach ZenExpat’ Lyon France

Hi I am Julia,

Julia Noyel Founder art of a happy, healthy, successful life, coach expats, Lyon INFP, intuitive, creatives, highly sensitives, empaths, mediums

founder of ZenExpat’ (Consultancy in Global mobility) & former Globility manager, specialist in international HR & relocation consultant, having worked for multinationals, with international children in international schools in Lyon, taught in famous business schools in Lyon and Paris International globility, people management having helped many people their families coming to Lyon France or going abroad.

I today coach people to help them help themselves to live a happy, healthy, successful life, to feel happy, healthy, success in their private life, have a happy relationship, happy, children, as well as a happy job.

Originary from Munich, Germany, I have been living in France for more than 20 years in Lyon, Paris, Cannes, Sophia Antipolis, but also lived in Innsbruck, Austria, Düsseldorf having worked for many expats their families coming from all different destinations (such as Germany, Switzerland, China, Sweden, India, UK, Canada Vancouver) working for various industries such as IT, services, Luxury, retail, automotive, biopharma sector.

If you are Expat, you live abroad in France or want to go abroad, you need support, clarity I help you

  • to get clarity
  • to adjust to the French culture, give yourself strength
  • to manage cultural differences
  • to get clarity on how to lead a happy, healthy, successful live in your new destination
  • to feel self-confident, strong
  • to feel safe, peaceful in your new living environment
  • to increase your self-worth
  • to find a job, create your business
  • to help you as a parent to help your children to feel good abroad especially in France
  • to be more efficient, organised, successful, a better communicator.

I have a master degree in international economics (specialisation in changement management & strategy), another one in global mobility  & labour law, as well as a certification as coach & psychological advisor. I know well the admin issues, also what it means physically, mentally, emotionally to go abroad. Contact me by email to see if I can help.

© Julia Noyel 2024. All rights reserved. Credit Photo:


Coach self-confidence happy couple parents Lyon highly sensitive expat infp twin flame

Coach self-confidence happy couple parents Lyon highly sensitive intuitives creatives expat infp twin flame


I am Julia Noyel. I am so glad you are here, you need support, guidance, new insights?

I am certified Coach psychological counselor  & highly intuitive.

My company is based in Lyon France, I offer online coaching self-confidence happy couple parents Lyon, France highly sensitive expat infp twin flame in three langues, German, French, English.

Coach confiance en soi couple heureux parents Lyon hypersensible expat infpFormer international HR manager, corporate coach & consultant, founder of ZenExpat’ consultancy in global mobility & relocation, I offer today

Life Coaching for individuals online in regards to the following topics

self-confidence, success, love, relationship, happy couple, happy & successful at work, pregnancy, education, best parents, intuitive guidance (see all topics below).




Coaching sessions

During my coachings sessions I help you develop your own innovative approach, use your unique talent to create your ideal life. I also give you my intuitive insights as well as hands-on advice to help you create your ideal life in all areas of your life (your relationship/love life, having children, creating a family, raising happy, healthy, successful children, work, creating your intuitive /creative business, earning money with your business).

My coaching sessions take place by phone or video. Depending on the question, client I choose the most appropriate tools. I work intuitively,
practical, strategically. My coaching sessions are the perfect solution to you if you seek for guidance and you want to talk to me, get clarity and my direct support.

Topics we can discuss during a coaching

  • self-confidence
  • happy couple, get your ex back
  • handle your emotions, resilience
  • business alignment & wealth
  • feminity, use your intuition, master your spiritual gift in safe healthy, protected ways
  • manage your unique talent in every day life
  • realise your goals, reach success NOW
  • handle paranormal appearances, hearing voices, clearsentience, clearvoyance, clearaudience, clearcognizance
  • organisation, efficiency, time management for creatives, intuitives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empathes,  expats
  • communicate efficiently, promote yourself
  • create your company, work on your own, create an intuitive/creative business, career, abundance
  • create your coaching, consulting, training business
  • product development, creating your personal, ceating your business unique value proposition
  • marketing advice for intuitives, creatives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empaths
  • change your life for the better, safe energy work
  • create a family, pregnancy, get pregnant naturally
  • be a best parent, raise children
  • have enough time for yourself, your children, your relationship
  • highly sensitive, creative, highly intuitive INFP, empath, twin flame topics

Fees: 160 EUR/hour coaching session, contact me. (-:

Feel free to also check out my coaching programs that help you be truly autonomous.

coaching packages

1/2 day
Strategic Coaching

(prepaid 3 hours package=1/2 day)

per visio
or phone.

simply contact me by email to book your strategic session.

450 EUR (VAT included)
750 EUR/day (VAT included)

5 sessions

(prepaid 5 sessions package)
1 hour sessions (=60 min) by visio
or phone, once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

750 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

10 sessions

(prepaid 10 sessions package)
1 hours sessions (=60min) by visio
or phone, (possibility to book two hours sesssions) once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

1500 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1


Julia Noyel Founder art of a happy, healthy, successful lifeJulia Noyel is German. She has been living in France for the past 20 years. She is certified Coach, psychological advisor, helds a certification in energy work as well as two master degrees in international economics (specialisation strategic leadership, change management), international labor law; Julia works today as Coach helping individuals to reach their life goals having a deep love relationship, having children, earning money with their passion, creating an ideal life. She has 17 years experience in the corporate, 10 years as a Coach, having worked for famous management consultancies as well multinational companies for various industries such as automotive, luxury, retail, service, IT sector as Coach, Consultant, Trainer, international HR & Global Mobility Manager, as well as Business School teacher for business school in Lyon & Paris, working also for international schools in Lyon with children from age 6 to 17. Her aim is to share her experience, knowledge, wisdom on how to master the art of a happy, healthy, successful life through her books, coaching programs, coaching tools (coaching cards, mini courses), to help people (especially highly sensitives, intuitives, Infps, creatives, empaths, all who feel different, twin flames) to help themselves, being truly autonomous, to reach their goals Now.

SelfCOACHING Program Get true love back. Success on all levels by Julia Noyel

© Julia Noyel 2023. All rights reserved. Credit Photo profile picture:,
julia noyel



Are you ready for making yourself succeed, be happy, healthy and create your ideal life?

Making yourself succeed,
happy, healthy, live your ideal life. Now


You want to ….
Lead your ideal life, have a deep romantic relationship with the person you truly deeply love, pregnant, have children, earn good money with the job you truly love, have enough time for yourself, your children, the person you truly deeply love, your family, be happy, healthy, successful, have fun, positivity, feel free, true love, kindness, have control over your life, help yourself, others, be who you truly are, accepted in your difference, express yourself, do this your way, feel seen, heard respected, feel your emotions, set boundaries, be autonomous, succeed, reach all your goals… improve your life, make a sustainable 
good change in your life

NOW? Well come.

hi there

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flames

I believe you can succeed  create a happy, healthy
& successful life

on a sustainable basis!

need help?

contact me



Hi, I am Julia.
am so glad you are here.


You are creative, intuitive, empathe, you want to have it all: a deep & romantic long-lasting “aging together relationship with the person you truly deeply love”, being a loving spouse, be a mom, having happy, healthy, successful children, being happy, good relationship with your family, being happy, healthy, successful in your job , having the job you truly deeply love? YOU CAN DO IT! MASTER YOUR LIFE! You’ve come to the right place. I have created to help you reach your goals. My aim is to help you to reach your goals. NOW. I promote autonomy, kindness, peace, true love (romance), sustainable happiness, health, success, make this world a better world. 

I am highy creative intuitive and a truth, “true love” specialist. I believe in anything is possible.

I decided to use my creativity and my unique talent, my expertise, insights, my natural & strong connection with god to help you to lead a happy, healthy & successful life (professional & private). My aim is to help each person, being especially highly sensitives, creatives, INFP, intuitives, empaths, twin flames realize & live their ideal life.

I am the founder of the art of a different, happy, healthy and successful life, creator of SUBSTANCE-Formula & SUBSTANCEMIND®.  inner SUBSTANCE Coach (focus on Self-esteem & Strong Mindset), expert in body-mind-soul communication, intuitive healer, a ‘highly intuitive & highly creative, deeply sensitive’, educator. 



You do not need a MASTER to live your ideal life













Do any of these sound familiar to you?

Check the boxes in order to see if I can help.

You are over 35, 40, you want fulfill your wishes, succeed, be happy NOW,


Have control over your life, show who you truly, bring love & beauty in this world


You want to feel fully, feeling love & passion, romantic (again)


You want to feel good, healthy spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically,
help others to feel well

     Be the deep divine feminine woman  you want others see the love, kindness you have.

Feel sure. You believe in romance, true love.


Be with the person you truly deeply love, live together


You want to be a mom, be pregnant, have children  reach your goal now.

You want to earn with your passion, have enough clients, succeed in your business, make this world a better world.

Have control over your strong emotions, be healthy, have control over yourself, master life

You want to be respected in your difference, be who you truly are, understood, loved as you are: with your highly sensitivity, intuitive skills, your creativity, your unique talent

You want to trust have clarity: understand the divine, after different spiritual, energy practices your emotional, psychological, physical state gets better, having visions, hearing voices & spiritual, paranormal appearances


Go(o)d that you are here

Let’s get your life back under control,
be happy, healthy and succeed in your goals!


two black sheep live better by Julia Noyel


Imagine what it would feel like if you knew exactly what to do to get things back under control master the art of a different, happy, healthy, and successful life.


begin now

YOU can DO it!

Imagine you reach your goals Now.


Have control (back) over your life, MASTER YOUR LIFE. Have clarity, free your inner SUBSTANCE.

Fulfill your wishes, be with the person who wants to create a family with you, have children, live in your ideal home, do your ideal job, succeed definitely having the time ANd money

Feel powerful, overcome obstacles, be noticed for who you truly are

Attract a deep loving romantic relationship & have abundance in your life.

Be the deep divine feminine woman you wanna be

Feel good, healthy spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically,
help others to feel well

Be the best parent, have children, a fulfilled family life.

Communicate effectively with yourself, others

Be happy & successful doing the work you love, earn enough money, get the ideal clients, create yourself the job you are passionate about, thrive in your business on a sustainable basis.

Have an emotional successful life, use your spirituality & creativity to make this world a better world.

Help your SELF. Others.

Use your unique talent, protect yourself.

Get a strategy, tools that actually work.

all is possible by julia noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP, hypersensible, créative, empathe

“I show you how to have control over yourself, your life, be the best parent, have true love in your life, your ideal relationship, job, use your dreamer capacity in healthy ways, extra-ordinary creativity, powerful energy kindness in healthy, efficient, protected ways to
create your ideal life. NOW.”

Here’s how I can help:

Choose below area you need my support and wanna definitely transform!

A different, happy, healthy & successful YOU & LIFE

Change your life NOW for the better, live a life that makes you truly happy, healthy & successful.

Different, happy, healthy & successful at WORK

Succeed in your projects at work, in doing a job you truly love, you are passionate about, in earning money you deserve, having your ideal clients while enough time for yourself, the person you truly deeply love, your children.

Different, happy, healthy & successful RELATIONSHIP

Succeed in your love life, get true deep love back into your life with the person you truly deeply love, reunite with your twin flame, be happy, healthy, successful together, create a happy healthy couple, have a peaceful sustainable long-life relationship.

Different, happy, healthy & successful CHILDREN

Having success in your projects having children, raise autonomous, responsible, self-confident happy, healthy & successful children, being a great, safe, successful parent, raise children who will change the world for a better.

SELF-help & Spiritual Awareness. Empath, highly sensitive, INFP, intuitive, creative. manage your life successfully. Love your body, mind, soul. Manage your intuitive insights, do safe spirituality & safe energy work, Collaborate with the spiritual realm in healthy ways. Manage hearing voices, paranormal appearances, your psychic gift. Feel assertive, self-confident, emotional stability, a strong mindset, heart.

joyful life


Here’s what I offer to help you help yourself


Get quick and daily guided inspiration and exercices to help yourself.

Self-help Coaching programs

Transform yourself, your life deeply, to have true love, your ideal relationship, be best parent, best job, spiritual mastery for sustainable happiness, health & success.

1:1 Coaching

Let’s see together how you can help yourself to reach your goals, be autonomous, self-confident, strong, powerful.

1/2 day Intensive strategy Coaching

Develop a strategy, concrete action plan on how to change your life & live a happy, healthy & successful life in all areas of your life.

Books & Coaching Cards

Get my books in self-development, inspiring coaching cards to help your-self on a daily basis.

What you can expect when working with me.

Most important features

Master your life, your unique talent

    Use your super power, be super resilient

Discover your unique talent, be truly authentic

Make others, yourself feel ok, communicate efficiently

Help to do it your way: to accept your uniqueness, use your greatness

Learn autonomy: free yourself from the thoughts of others

Adopt an ‘I can do it attitude’: move forward with your fears

Be a strong & inspiring leader to yourself, others

Help yourself & others, find completion

Understand you do not need to have a master to begin living your ideal life


Coach highly sensitive INFPs creatives twin flames by Julia Noyel

Bene.-fits of working with me

benefits when working with me

Simple, natural, deep loving

Empowerment /
step into your power

Clear the air, purification,
Release what is not yours

Be your TRUE self

lucky eggs


What people are saying


“Julia has a lot of talent, I appreciate the way how she sees life and her philosophy that each person is free to create a happy, healthy and successful life.”




“Self-confidence needs practice every day. Julia boosts self-confidence in us, but also optimism. In two days I got the keys to help myself and develop my self-confidence on my own.”



be a leader

Be a strong leader to yourself & others

In my transformational programs I am eager to help you to help yourself. I share with you my two success strategies as well as my personal experience, deep intuitive insights I got during spiritual awakening, as well my knowledge I have developped based on my certification as certified coach, psychologial advisor, corporate trainer, coach, consultant, highly intuitive, creative to allow you to set a solid foundation to be happy, healthy & successful in your love life, at work, with your children, your daily life.r

I will show you how to increase self-esteem, self-confidence, establish a strong success mindset to be happy, successful, to create a solid foundation for a happy, healthy & successful life.


Get my step by step guides

Black sheep live better: how to realize your dream life step by step.

Change your life in 5 simple steps and live a happy, healthy AND successful life. Get my practical step by step guide. Take action Now.

You want to get personalised advice,
1:1 coaching on how to finally succeed in your projects, creating sustainable, health, happiness and success in all areas of your life?

Julia Noyel Coaching Stratégique succès amour enfants argent

I offer 1/2 day (=3hrs) strategy coaching.

The first small step to your happy, healthy and successful life starts here

Subliminal videos and positive affirmations

on my YOUTUBE Channel

check out my youtube channel INFP intuitive créative hypersensible hochsensibel highly sensitive empathe

When you click on the link you accept you will leave this website and be redirected to youtube. Please check my privacy policy.

Blog self-confidence and self-esteemGet inspired. Discover my articles below.

highly sensitive 5 tips to have success in your life

You are highly sensitive, you want to reach your goals now, finally have success in your life? In this article I have chosen 5 top articles I have written to help you reach your goals now.

How to attract love in life & succeed in creating a longterm relationship

You wanna true deep long-lasting love but failed over and over again? Wondering how to attract love in life & succeed in creating a longterm relationship. .

Feel deeply true deep love romance – 3 tips

You want to feel deeply? Remember when you felt your body sensations fully, your emotions, your body.

How to attract your ideal life

You finally have created it?! Your IDEAL job, the job you always wanted! Now you are wondering how to attract money and success into your life easily? Because this was your aim, wasn’t it? Doing the job you truly love, have enough time, money. So you ask yourself how to attract finally easily money and success with the job you always wanted to do?

Should I contact him – make your true love man commit

Wondering should I contact him – how to make your true love man commit? etc.? When will he do what he has to do?”

How to have good energy in your life

Wanting to create a better life? You are wondering how to have good energy in your life

INFP - DO this if you want to change your life

Wanting to create a better life? You are wondering how to have good energy in your life

Why am I hearing voices?

You have done energy work, alternative healing techniques, suddenly you hear voices, you wonder what this is about? In this article I want to share with you my personal experience.

Highly sensitive – How to manage your anger stay calm

Are you highly sensitive, you want a happy relationship, calm, a relationship where you are listened to, respected? You are wondering how to have this relationship based on true love, deep loving, peaceful? How to handle your anger?

highly intuitive mother 5 articles

Hi there, you are highly intuitive, wanting to be a perfect mother. In this article, I have chosen 5 articles I have written that might help you reach your goals.

SUBSCRIBE TO MY PINTEREST Profile to be informed about the latest articles.

follow me on (-: 




© photo credits : Pexels, Pixabay, VistaCreate, profile picture, Aurélie Pietro, Julia Noyel, Font by Sam Parrett, All rights reserved.

My inspiring coaching cards to change your life for the better

Coaching cards happy, healthy and successful life, raise happy, healthy and successful children, true deep love, twin flame reunion

Hi, I am Julia,
My beautiful, special & inspiring coaching card decks are based on my emotional & spiritual paintings and three self-development books  for all who aim to change their life for the better and have healthy patterns, master the art of a happy, healthy & successful life and raising happy, healthy and successful children, reunite with their twin flame and self-coach! On this page you find my professional printed card decks as well as selfprintable decks for instant download. Enjoy the walk in my shop. (-:

Coaching & Oracle Deck for emotional & spiritual awakening
Julia Noyel Inner SUBSTANCE Coach

Why use my coaching card decks?

Using my coaching cards is a creative, inspiring, efficient way to successfully change your life, create a happy, healthy and successful life, succeed in all areas of your life. My coaching card decks allow you to

    •    understand you.rself, others better
    •    thrive, feel powerful, get intuitive insights
    •    understand what is going on on all levels
    •    be clear on how to reach your goals, overcome challenges
    •    get inspiration, new perspectives
    •    understand what steps to take next to reach your goals
    •    understand your emotions, current vibes
    •    find solutions to problems
    •    feel safe, be resilient
    •    manage time, be more efficient
    •    undertstand what skills you need to develop
    •    make healthy & successful choices in your life
    •    be motivated, powerful
    •    do it your own way,
    •    develop your gift, your strenghts
    •    develop faith, trust, believe in yourself
    •    adopt a new healthy & positive mindset, heartset.


Areas for which you can use my card decks

You can use my coaching cards for all areas of your life:

  1. Get true deep love back & Twin flame reunion, reunite with your twin flame, the person you truly deeply love
  2. Overcome struggles in your relationship, life (eg. job, with beloved ones, your children, etc.)
  3. Understand your relationship patterns
  4. Help you realise your goal chaving children, creating your own family
  5. Know yourself, develop awareness
  6. Change your life behavior (relationship, job, finances, well-being etc.) for the better,
  7. Master the art of a happy, healthy & successful life,
  8. develop life skills that bring you happiness, health & success, true love on a sustainable basis in all areas of your life.
  9. Be better parents, the best parents you can be!
  10. for daily Self-coaching & Self-motivation,
  12. Positive affirmations

Professional printed card decks

(print on demand)

Coaching cards
to change your life

42 cards
Price varies depending on quantity ordered + delivery and duty fees

This beautiful and inspiring 42 cards coaching card deck is based on my book for all who aim to change their life. This deck especially helps you with the steps and actions you can take to reach your goals.

Coaching cards for a peaceful body, mind and soul

64 cards
Price varies depending on quantity order + delivery and duty fees

This efficient and inspiring 64 cards coaching card deck is based on SUBSTANCEMIND® for all who aim to have a peaceful body, mind, soul. This deck specifically helps to develop a positive heart & mindset.

Coaching cards for emotional & spiritual awareness

48 cards
Price varies depending on quantity order + delivery and duty fees

This beautiful and inspiring 48 cards coaching card deck is based on my emotional, expressive & spiritual paintings for all who aim to develop emotional and spiritual awareness. This deck specifically helps to become aware of what is going on on an emotional and energetical level and to develop a positive heart & mindset. *Please notice that this deck is not available for sales. Please contact me if you are interested in creating your own coaching cards. Check out my other coaching cards.

Coaching cards to master the Art of a happy, healthy & successful life

84 cards
Price varies depending on quantity ordered + delivery and duty fees

This beautiful, special and inspiring 84 cards coaching cards is based on my book for all who aim to master the art of a happy, healthy & successful life. This deck particularly helps to develop healthy life skills to be happy, healthy & successful in all areas of your life on a sustainable basis.

Coaching cards to master the art of raising happy, healthy & successful children

84 cards
Price varies depending on quantity + delivery and duty fees

This beautiful, special and inspiring 84 cards coaching cards is based on my book for all who aim to master the art of raising happy, healthy & successful children. You can use this deck to work with your inner child, in order to love your skills as a parent and stop struggles with your children. It helps you use healthy parenting skills.

Contact me per email to prereserve in advance your card deck please specify the name of the card deck as well as you want to buy the printed version or the downloadable version. I will send you an email as soon as the card deck is published.

Self printable decks

(for immediate download )

Coaching cards
to change your life

€39,99 EUR per deck/42 cards
for self print & instant download

This beautiful and inspiring 42 cards coaching card deck based on my book for all who aim to change their life. This deck especially helps you with the steps and actions you can take to reach your goals.

Coaching cards for a peaceful body, mind and soul

€39,99 EUR per deck/64 cards
for self print & instant download

This efficient and inspiring 64 coaching cards based on SUBSTANCEMIND® for all who aim at a peaceful body, mind, soul and a happy, healthy & successful life..

Coaching cards for emotional & spiritual awareness

€39,99 EUR per deck/48 cards
for self print & instant download

This beautiful, special and inspiring 48 cards coaching cards is based on my emotional and spiritual paintings for all who aim to develop emotional and spiritual awareness. This deck specifically helps you to become aware of what is going on on an emotional and energetical level and to develop a positive heart & mindset. Please notice that this deck is not for sales. Please contact me if you are interested in creating your own coaching cards. Check out my other coaching cards.

Coaching cards to master the Art of a happy, healthy & successful life

€39,99 EUR per deck/84 cards
for self print & instant download

This beautiful, special and inspiring 84 cards coaching card deck based on my book for all who aim to master the art of a happy, healthy & successful life. This deck particularly helps to develop healthy life skills to be happy, healthy & successful in all areas of your life on a sustainable basis.

Coaching cards to master the art of raising happy, healthy & successful children

€39,99 EUR per deck/96 cards
for self print & instant download

this beautiful, special and inspiring 84 cards coaching card based on my book for all who aim to master the art of raising happy, healthy & successful children. You can use this deck to work with your inner child, in order to use your skills as a parent and stop struggles with your children. It helps you use healthy parenting skills.

Contact me per email to prereserve your card deck please specify the name of the card deck as well as you want to buy the printed version or the downloadable version. I will send you an email as soon as the card deck is published.