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creative intuitive 5 signs you have a psychic gift

creative intuitive 5 signs you have a psychic gift

by Julia Noyel

creative intuitive 5 signs you have a psychic gift

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpgyou wonder if you have a psychic gift, you want to know what are the signs!

Hello, my name is Julia Noyel in this article I want to share 5 signs with you.

Here are 5 signs you might have psychic gifts :

since early childhood, you have a deep natural connection with god.

you intuitively know what to do, when.

you have a higher purpose sight about what is happening in your other people’s life

you love good miracles, happy, kind stories about magic.

you hear voices, see things, perceive things.


Let’s see more in detail what I want to say :

true love, happiness, health, success

creative intuitive 5 signs you have a psychic gift by Julia Noyel

since early childhood, you have a deep natural connection with god.

you always had a natural deep loving kind strong relationship with god.  You feel the presence, you are supported, you trust in god.

you intuitively know what to do, when.

you exactly know what to do, when in your life, how to move forward, feel good, help others feel good, create good things in this life, other people’s life.

you have a higher purpose sight about what is happening in your other people’s life

you deeply know what is happening in your other people’s life, you understand how things work together, how to positively impact things, create good things.

you love miracles, happy, kind stories about magic.

you always loved miracles, kind stories with kind deep loving magic, you understand the deeper meaning.

you hear voices, see things, perceive things.

you hear voices, see things, perceive things, see the beauty how much life is beautiful.

you feel the love, kindness, know how to recognize the vibrations that are in alignment with happiness, health, success, true love.

You love deeply.


Do you need help, support, guidance ? You find my coaching packages here.

You want to use your psychic gift to contribute to a good world! In my program get true deep love back into your life success on all levels I show you my strategy, help you to develop your own strategy to master your unique talent.  You find more information here.

© Julia Noyel 2024. photo de profile Julia Noyel.