self-help videos true love money finances children happiness intuitive insights
hi there, my name is Julia, you find here my videos on
Nov 30, 2024
hi there, my name is Julia, you find here my videos on
Nov 30, 2024
by Julia Noyel
you wonder if you are on a spiritual journey, welcome my name is Julia Noyel, in this article I give you 5 signs that you might be on a spiritual journey.
Here are the 5 signs that you might be on a spiritual journey:
you perceive things you cannot explain logically
love is all around you
you perceive god’s voice
you want to make this world a better world, kindness, love are your keywords
you see the truth
My tip: Ask yourself how can I be efficient, safe, healthy, protected, get insights, answers to my questions that make my life other being’s life easier, happy, healthy, successful, make me reach my goals true love, happiness, health,
success in simple easy efficient safe healthy joyful sustainable ways?
Those were my 5 signs for you that you might be on a spiritual journey.
Do you need help, support, guidance? You find my coaching packages here.
Want to make this world truly a better world, feel free to check out my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels.
Julia Noyel 2024, profile picture julia Noyel
INFP intuitive insights guidance réussir couple enfants travail finances
by Julia Noyel
Bonjour et bienvenue, je suis heureuse vous aider. Vous trouverez ici mes audios.
feel the peace in you life 5 tips audio
What true happiness is about audio 5 tips
how to finally reach my goals 5 tips love children money audio
Leading a passionate life INFP creative intuitive audio – Julia Noyel I Coaching
5 signs you are a highly intuitive person audio
se sentir bien paisible dans la vie 5 conseils audio
gagner de l’argent avec votre passion audio
Être un.e empowered INFP audio
réussir travail 3 conseils attirer argent et succès maintenant INFP audio
avoir plus de temps pour vous 3 conseils INFP intuitive hypersensible audio
Comment aider votre homme vous respecter – 3 conseils by Julia Noyel audio
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intuitive et créative – 5 tips aidez votre homme être optimiste et romantique audio
Comment aider votre homme vous respecter – 3 conseils by Julia Noyel audio
créative et couple heureux audio
intuitive et créative 5 signes que vous êtes clairaudient audio
5 signes que vous êtes une personne très créative audio I by Julia Noyel
énergies positives avoir l’amour chez soi audio by Julia Noyel
divin féminin – réussir votre relation amoureuse audio by Julia Noyel
INFP 3 conseils Réussir sa vie amoureuse enfants argent MAINTENANT by Julia Noyel
Comment réussir sa vie amoureuse
créative et intuitive – réussir maintenant couple travail finances
INFP intuitive 3 Tipps jetzt Erfolg in Ihrer Arbeit audio
© Julia Noyel 2024, photo de profile : Julia Noyel, font sam parret
by Julia Noyel
here is the test to help you check if you are a creative person.
For reminder, this self-assessment is based on my intuitive insights my own experience as well as my observations, my expertise as expert for leading a happy, healthy & successful life, true love for INFP, highly sensitives, creatives, empaths, highly intuitives.
This self-evaluation is simple and allows you to definine with
15 criteria if you are a creative person.
Go through the 15 criteria and decide for each if this describes you. If yes you give one point. You do this with all criteria and then you count your total points
Here are the 15 criteria
Have you counted your total points?! Now you divide the total by 15 and you multiply with 100. This gives you a pourcentage. Attention this number gives you an indication, a tendancy. I give you an exemple, you have answered 13 questions with yes. This gives you 11 points. You divide 13/15 = 0,86 and you multiply with 100 = 86 %
This means currently you are 86 % a creative person. This test gives you a first indication. No matter what pourcentage you reach know you can be a creative person anyway, even if you have a very low pourcentage! If you feel you are a creative person, trust yourself, trust your intuition !
Do you guidance, help, my support, insights?!
Let’s define a strategy together. I will help you to help yourself.
Contact me. You find my coaching packages here.
© Julia Noyel 2024. profile picture : Julia Noyel
by Julia Noyel
you have heard about creative people and you ask yourself ‘am I a creative person‘
Hi there, my name is Julia Noyel, I have
prepared a quick self-assessment for you to help you check if you are a creative person!
This test is based on my intuitive insights my own experience as well as my
observations, my expertise as expert for leading a happy, healthy & successful life, true love for INFP, highly sensitives,
creatives, empaths, highly intuitives.
This self-assessment is simple and allows you to definine with
15 criteria if you are a creative person. Click on the link to do the test. Results are immediate, have fun ! (-: