Category Archives: Landingpage français

Am I an empath (self-assessment)

Am I an empath (self-assessment)

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpg

you have heard about empaths and you ask yourself ‘am I an empath?‘ Hi there, my name is Julia Noyel and I have prepared a self-assessment / test for you to help you check if you are an empath!

This test is based on my intuitive insights my own experience as well as my observations, my expertise as
expert for  leading a happy, healthy & successful life, true love for INFP, highly sensitives, creatives, empaths, highly intuitives.

This self-assessment is simple and allows you to definine with
12 criteria if you are an empath. Click on the link to do the test. Results are immediate, have fun !  (-:

I do the test now

Am I highly sensitive (self-assessment)

Am I highly sensitive (self-assessment)

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpg

you have heard about highly sensitive people and you ask yourself ‘am I highly sensitive?‘ Hi there, my name is Julia Noyel and I have prepared a self-assessment / test for you to help you check if you are  highly sensitive!

This test is based on my intuitive insights my own experience as well as my observations, my expertise as expert for  leading a happy, healthy & successful life, true love for INFP, highly sensitives, creatives, empaths, highly intuitives.

This self-assessment is simple and allows you to definine with
12 criteria if you are highly sensitive. Click on the link to do the test. Results are immediate, have fun !  (-:

I do the test now


am I highly sensitive? (self-assessment : test)

leading a passionate life INFP creative intuitive

leading a passionate life INFP creative intuitiveleading a passionate life INFP creative intuitive

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpg

Hi I am Julia

You are INFP creative intuitive and you you wonder how to feel your passion again?

Here are 5 tips to realize leading a passionate life NOW:

be grateful for what you already have

understand the issue in regards to anger

decide to get your rewards now

say thankful

love yourself deeply

Let’s see more in detail what I mean for each:

be grateful for what you already have

being grateful for all what you already have helps you feel  passionate about your life.

understand the issue in regards to anger

get clarity on the issue in regards anger will help you reach your goals now.

My tip: ask yourself how can I use my unique talent to get clarity on the issue in regards anger now, solve this definitely.

decide to get your rewards now

the time is now. If you are here, do not wait, decide to get your rewards now.

say thankful

say thankful as often as you can

love yourself deeply

love yourself deeply, know what loving yourself means.


You want to get help for creating your ideal life being more passionate ? Check out my coaching services here.

© 2024 Julia Noyel. Profile picture


how to thrive in this world with joy & kindness

how to thrive in this world with joy & kindness by Julia Noyel

how to thrive in this world with joy & kindness

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpgYou want to live a happy, healthy & successful life, a joyful life, kindness ? You want to know how to lead a happy, healthy & successful life ? In this article I give you 5 tips  on how to thrive in this world with joy & kindness.

Here are the 5 tips :

Love what you do

believe in yourself

be surprised

feel happy

know you have impact

Let’s see in detail what I mean :

Love what you do

Do good, love what you do, your job, how you live your life, you values in alignment with
true love, romance, happiness, health, success.

believe in yourself

believe in yourself, in your unique talent, in alignment with sustainable happiness, health, success, true love.

be surprised

believe, be surprised by good things happening to you every day.

feel happy

feel truly happy in your life.

know you have impact

know you can positively impact your, other people’s life. Kindness, true love help you reach your goals.

© 2024 Julia Noyel. profile picture Julia Noyel.

working with me

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flames

oach, expert
A happy, healthy, succesful life
True love
Deep loving education
INFP, intuitive, creative,

highly sensitive, empath

Working with me

welcome to

my name is Julia Noyel, I am so happy you are here. My aim is to help you lead a happy, healthy, successful life based on true love, kindness,
romance, have an ideal life, your perfect life a true deep love relationship with the person you truly deeply love, children, earning money with the job you truly deeply love, having enough money, time for yourself, your
children, the person you truly deeply
love, your family, doing what you love in life.

Be a strong & inspiring leader to yourself,

Help yourself & others, find complet

Need my help? I offer 1:1 Coaching sessions as well as coaching programs.


Simple, natural & efficient

minimalism, order, structure, efficiency is what I love, what I will help you with.

have enough time money for yourself, your children, the person you truly deeply love, your family


use your power in safe efficient ways, be autonomous, Master your life, your unique talent

Creative  intuitive

Help to do it your way: to accept your uniqueness, use your greatness, your intuition, your extra-ordinary creativity, love, kindness, deep talent, energy kindness in powerful, healthy, protected safe ways to create your ideal life.


be your true self, be authentic.

energetic / vibrant

clear the air, purification, release what is not yours, stay true to your true self

safe / sustainable

create & maintain a solid basis for leading a happy, healthy successful life on a sustainable basis, use safe techniques, tools, approaches to help yourself, others

© 2024 Julia Noyel.