Category Archives: empath

change your job create your ideal job INFP highly sensitive creative empath

create your ideal job, change your job

INFP highly sensitive creative empath

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flameshi there I am so glad you are here,

you want to

do a job that makes you feel free, be happy,

having enough time, money using your skills unique talent being your own boss decide about your time waking up every morning jumping out of your bed enjoying the day ! doing your shopping while others work, taking care of your babies, your children, having time to take care of your house, gardening cooking, beautiful decoration ?!

I know this is possible

here is how I can help :

talk about your current state

define a strategy to get there (your ideal job)

give you my external point of view as well as my intuitive insights

see together what job fits you best (skills, experience, desire, life mission etc)

work together on your personal branding strategy, product definition

handle your emotions, resilience

business alignment & wealth

create your company, work on your own, create an intuitive/creative business, career, abundance, create your coaching, consulting, training business


  • feeling supported
  • get clarity
  • get new perspectives
  • feel confident
  • motivated, encouraged
  • Discover your unique talent, be truly authentic
  • Learn autonomy: free yourself from the thoughts of others
  • Use your super power in safe, healthy protected ways, be super resilient
  • Adopt an ‘I can do it attitude’: move forward with your fears
  • Be a strong & inspiring leader to yourself, others
  • Help yourself & others, find completion
  • Help to do it your way: to accept your uniqueness, use your greatness

Coaching sessions

I offer one hour, 5-hours, 10-hours coaching packages

1/2 a day, one day intensive coaching sessions

as well my coaching program get true love back into your life success on all levels that helps you to help yourself in all areas of your life.

Whereas a one hour session might be a good way to talk about your current state for deeper work a 5 hours, 10 hours coaching package might be helpful. Payments are done in advance and coaching sessions are normally once per week (=60min). you can also opt for a 2 hours session at the beginning and then having one hours sessions with me.

you can also book my 1/2 day, 1 day strategic coaching session if you want to work intensely with me during half a day (3hours), one day on the topic laying the foundation to move forward on your own.


During my coachings sessions I help you develop your own innovative approach, use your unique talent to create your ideal life. I also give you my intuitive insights as well as hands-on advice to help you create your ideal work, creating your intuitive /creative business, earning money with your business.

My coaching sessions take place by phone or video in English, German, or French. Depending on the question, client I choose the most appropriate tools. I work intuitively,
practical, strategically. My coaching sessions are the perfect solution to you if you seek for guidance and you want to talk to me, get clarity and my direct support.

Fees: 160 EUR/hour coaching session, contact me. (-:

Feel free to also check out my coaching programs that help you be truly autonomous.

coaching packages

1/2 day
Strategic Coaching

(prepaid 3 hours package=1/2 day)

per visio
or phone.

simply contact me by email to book your strategic session.

450 EUR (VAT included)
750 EUR/day (VAT included)

5 sessions

(prepaid 5 sessions package)
1 hour sessions (=60 min) by visio
or phone, once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

750 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

10 sessions

(prepaid 10 sessions package)
1 hours sessions (=60min) by visio
or phone, (possibility to book two hours sesssions) once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

1500 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

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© Julia Noyel 2024. All rights reserved. Credit Photo profile picture:
julia noyel




infp success(ful) at work 3 insights

infp success(ful) at work 3 insights

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpgyou are infp you want to be success(ful) at work ? earn money with your passion  do the job you love ? you have tried a lot you want to reach your goals now!

welcome my name is julia noyel and today I give you 3 insights

If you were drawn to my video intuitively they might resonate with you.

here are the three insights infp success(ful) at work :

love your life

be honnest with yourself

you can do it

ok, let’s see more in detail what I mean by I each

love your life

love your life the life you create for yourself, for your man, for your children

be honnest with yourself

be honnest with yourself, you know who you truly are, ask yourself  how can I use my unique talent be completely honnest with myself now, be authentic, my true self!

you can do it

know you can do it, be successful at work, reach your goals now. find a safe, healthy, protected, efficient way to take yourself seriously, be successful now.

You want my intuitive guidance, 1:1 coaching, let’s see how you can create a strategy, help yourself.

You find my coaching packages here.

© Julia Noyel 2024. profile picture Julia Noyel.

INFP become the best version of yourself 3 secrets

INFP become the best version of yourself 3 secrets

INFP become the best version of yourself

by julia noyel

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flamesyou are INFP you want to be the best version of yourself!
I understand you, being INFP myself I also had this deep desire being my true self, the best version. From my
experience there are many benefits being the best version of yourself.

In this article I share with you 3 secrets for being the best version of yourself.

Here are the 3 secrets:

decide about your own life

feel good about who you truly are

love your kindness

ok, let’s see more in detail what I mean:

decide about your own life

know you are worthy living your ideal life, decide creating yourself your ideal life helps you.

ask yourself:  how can I use my unique talent in safe healthy protected ways, decide about my own life, live my ideal life now?

feel good about who you truly are

feel good about who you truly are, you can be proud INFP being the best version of yourself. find a creative way truly feel good about who you truly are on a
sustainable basis.

love your kindness

love your kindness, being kind is good, being a good person is a strengh. find a way remember this.

you want to live your ideal life now, reach your goals in all areas of your life? in my program get true deep love back success on all levels I help you help yourself reaching your goals now. learn more...

prefer individual coaching sessions to create a strategy, discuss things together? you find my coaching packages here

© Julia Noyel 2024. profile picture Julia Noyel.

how to finally reach my goals 5 tips love children money audio

how to finally reach my goals 5 tips love children money audio

how to finaly reach my goals 5 tips love children money audio

by julia noyel

you want to finally reach your goals be happy, healthy, successful in all areas of your life,

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flamesyou have tried a lot, worked on yourself and you wonder how to finally reach your goals now? welcome my name is Julia Noyel.

This audio ‘5 tips how to finaly reach my goals love children money’ helps you to reach your goals now.

Do you need help? check out my 1:1 coaching sessions here.

find my  article here

© julia noyel 2024, font sam parret.

how to finaly reach my goals 5 tips love children money

how to finally reach my goals 5 tips love children money

how to finally reach my goals 5 tips love children money

by julia noyel

you want to finally reach your goals be happy, healthy, successful in all areas of your life,

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flamesyou have tried a lot, worked on yourself and you wonder how to finally reach your goals now? welcome my name is Julia Noyel and my aim is to help you get back on track, in this article I give you 5 insights to help you finally reach your goals in all areas of your life

love children money


here are 5 tips to help you finally reach your goals in all areas of your life

be who you truly are


don’t get distracted by other people’s opinions

stay true to yourself

believe in you, in good things happening


let’s see more in detail what I mean

be who you truly are

be who you truly are will help you reach your goals. know you have this right to reach you goals, life is not only about simple happiness, life is also about having your rights be fulfilled such as being a mom, having children, earning money with your passion, helping yourself efficiently quickly, making your life easy,
getting things easily,


help yourself, you can help yourself, stop asking others, stop getting advice else where, just help youself.

don’t get distracted by other people’s opinions

this is in alignment with the previous ones, don’t get distracted by other people’s opinions focus on your goals, your own efficient success way,
decide stay true to yourself, to your opinion, help yourself.

stay true to yourself

stay true to yourself. my tip, ask yourself how can I use my unique talent stay true to myself, reach all my goals now in all areas of my life, maintain having children, money, a happy relationship on a sustainable basis?

believe in you, in good things happening

believe in you, in good things happening,
in god,
the universe.

you need help ? I help you to help yourself. to finally find peace stop searching, living your life, reaching your goals in love children money
easily now.

check out my coaching services here.

© Julia Noyel 2024.