Category Archives: Happy children

3 key success factors when wanting to raise happy, healthy & successful children

3 key success factors when wanting to raise happy, healthy & successful children by Julia Noyel

Have you ever asked yourself the question: How to raise my children
correctly? Can we also speak of a ‘true or false’ when we talk about educating our children? After many years of research on the topic, teaching children, I wanted to raise my children properly to help them to be happy, healthy successful in life. In this article I share with you 3 key success factors I decided for myself. 

” I believe it is helpful to help your children acquire certain essential skills, help them build a balanced life. –Julia Noyel

I believe that if we want to raise happy, healthy, successful children with self-confidence, and if we want to be best parent, it is helpful to think about the question, “How can I raise my children properly?”

3 key success factors when wanting to raise happy, healthy & successful children

If you are a parent, you have ever wondered if you were doing everything right, how best to raise your children, how best to help your children grow into happy, healthy, successful adults in life, let’s time to look at this point a little more in detail. Here are the 3 key success factors I could observe:

n°1 – being clear about the parent’s role

I think that as a parent you play a very important role in the development of your children. Your children need to prepare for life, to learn essential skills. If you decided to have children for love, once your children are in your life, love is
important, but to help your children be happy, healthy, successful now as well as later in life, it is beneficial to know our precise role as a parent.

The following question may help you:
What kind of life do I want for my children now as well as in the future? What skills do my children need?

You can teach yourself the skills you need to raise happy, healthy, successful children.


n°2 – have a clear idea what skills children need to become self-confident, happy, healthy & successful individuals

Did you know that certain skills are helpful to your children to be confident, happy, healthy, successful in life? The good news is that there are many skills you can teach your children to be confident, happy, healthy, successful in life.

having the correct idea what skills children need to become self-confident, happy, healthy & successful individuals is helpful.

The following question may help you: what are these skills to lead a happy, healthy, successful life on a sustainable basis?

Once you know what skills I’m talking about here, you can focus on teaching your children those skills every day through your behavior and parenting style.

n°3 – having competences in parenting

Just think of the number of years dedicated to education, studies for your job. to be expert in your field, think of the time you took to invest in building your
career. It seems normal to study, go to school, do an apprenticeship, go to
My question: For your parental role, are you trained, have you thought about training? The good news is that you can easily quickly safely learn important skills to be a better parent! 

These were 3 helpful things you can do I could observe. If you did any mistakes forgive yourself, others, fix them if you can.

Do you want to learn skills to raise happy, healthy, successful children? In my 8 week program “Master the Art of Raising Happy, Healthy and Successful Children”, you will learn how to build strong inner SUBSTANCE, increase self-esteem, be confident, and raise HAPPY children, HEALTHY and successful. Learn more about my parenting coaching program here…

© Julia Noyel 2019, my profile picture: Julia Noyel all rights reserved.








Is listening to your intuition all you need when it comes to raising your children

Is listening to your intuition all you need when it comes to raising your children by Julia Noyel

Have you ever wondered how to get it right when it comes to raising your child? Is listening to your intuition all you need when it comes to raising your children, what it needs to raise happy, healthy & successful children? In this article I would like to share with you my insights on the topic.

Coming from the corporate world I knew that many companies paid much
attention to preventing risks, so I was wondering how to when it comes
to children?

I believe, knowing how to educate children in good ways makes you feel safe as a parent, realise your project having children. Knowing what behavior is
beneficial to raise self-confident, kind children is helpful.

I observed some methods are proven to be appropriate if you want to help your child to set a solid foundation for a happy, healthy & successful life. I believe listening to and following our intuition in life is important also when it comes to our children. We need to listen to our intuition, feel the baby’s needs, protect our children from danger.

When it comes to parenting I find our communication is especially important.

Become a SUPER Parent.

In my coaching program “Master the art of raising happy, healthy & successful children” I share with you my children’s education strategy, my SUBSTANCE-Formula, a 9 step process to help you create a solid foundation for a happy, healthy & successful life for your children.  Learn more about my program here.

In my Program get true deep love back-success on all levels, I show you how you can get true deep love back into your life, perfectionnate your intuition, feel feminine, prepare for your job as a mother, create your ideal life, help you to reach all your goals. Learn more about my program here.

Julia Noye founder of art of a different, happy, healthy & successful life, specialist INFP, highly sensitive, creatives, empathsJulia Noyel is the founder of the art of a different, happy, healthy & successful life. Her goal is to promote kindness, peace, love (romance) and to make this world a better place. She has made it her mission to help as many people as possible live a different, happy, healthy & successful life, help to raise happy, healthy &
successful children.




© Julia Noyel 2019. All rights. Reserved. my profile picture Alice Dardun.



Raise happy children – What do children need?

Raise happy children – What do children need?

by Julia Noyel

You are parents? You want to raise happy, healthy, successful children?

Julia Noyel_Coach réussir sa vieIf you have ever wondered how to make sure your children will be happy, healthy and successfully master their lives, it is time to dig a little bit deeper into this question. You want to know if you are good father, mother? Am I ready for creating a family?In this article I share with you 4 things children need:

a beautiful home, money, studies…

a beautiful home, money, studies, yes this helps is reassuring, gives calm, according to my experience as well intuitive insights the following is also helpful to your children

  1. unconditional love, active listening, spending quality time together
  2. parents who love their children for who they truly are, good things they do
  3. parents who encourage them in their true talents that help them to be autonomous, self-confident
  4. happy parents that love each other deeply

Is this enough to make sure your child will be happy, healthy & successful in life? Is there maybe anything else you could do and that will make your life as a parent even more fun, easier and more relaxed?

Material safety is important for our children, helping them to find out what they are best in, too. It is essential to fulfill our children’s basic needs.
So what? You are wondering what you could do more to guarantee your child’s happiness? Is there anything more you can do? Yes, there is.

In my program master the art of raising happy, healthy & successful children’, I show you 9 simple steps to be best parent. Check out my online class on ‘how to raise happy, healthy & successful children’.

© Julia Noyel. Photo: Julia Noyel, All rights reserved.

how to be successful happy independent healthy at work

how to be happy, healthy independant successful at workHow to be successful, happy, independent healthy at work?

update on 15/02/2024

by julia noyel

You want to be successful, happy, independent, healthy at work? You have a job, perhaps even very well paid, but you want to be happy at work? You want more time for your family, your relationship! How to be successful, happy, independent, healthy at work? In this article I share with you 5 tips to be happy at work:

‘Working, being happy healthy is possible! – Julia Noyel


Here are 5 tips to be successful, happy, independent healthy at work:

be authentic at work.

being authentic at work is helpful, be happy, working in alignment with your values, independent, healthy reach success.


have enough confidence in you, work efficiently, reach your goals

I believe believing in yourself, have confidence in you, your unique talent is helpful, work efficiently reach your goals. Now.


Do a job that is in alignment with your needs desires.

Do a job that is in alignment with your needs as well as deepest desires happiness, health, success, independence.


Create a work environment suited to your needs.

Creating a work environment suited to your needs, having time for your children, your relationship, your family, money.

Be successful, happy, independent, healthy at work.


Use your unique talent

Use your unique talent to be successful, happy, independent, healthy at work.


Sometimes small steps are enough to work differently, be happy, healthy, independent at work.

You need help? I know that the path to a happy, healthy, successful work is possible.


My mission is to …

help you to use your unique talent to create happiness, health, success, needs in safe, healthy, protected ways
help you to do the right things to reach success
help you to improve, create your ideal working environment
help you to communicate effectively
help you to be successful, happy at work
help you to enhance your work performance, your leadership capacity
help you to show your uniqueness at work, be authentic, stay true to yourself, with others,
help you create yourself a job that makes you happy, successful that is in harmony with your needs as well as your talents

Contact me for further information

Coach divine feminine Julia NoyelI am former Consultant, trainer, lecturer in various business schools, today Coach & certified Coach & Psychological Counselor. I have over 20 years of experience in the field of human resources management, consulting in various industries such as luxuray, retail, IT, automotive, service, biopharma sector. I have myself completely changed my professional life. I am author of several self-help books, including black sheep lives better: how to change and realize your dream life. I am expert in authentic communication, emotional managemet, body-mind-soull communication, authenticity. My goal is to enable everyone to live a different, happy, healthy, successful life.

© Photo credit: fotolia © Julia Noyel 2014 Copyright. All rights reserved.