What true happiness is about
by Julia Noyel
you want to feel happy in life? You wonder what true happiness is about?
Welcome my name is Julia Noyel and in this article I share with you 5 things you can do to feel truly happy in life.
here are the 5 things you can do
be your true self
understand who you truly are
be happy about small things
be kind and deeply loving
understand the anger issue
Ok, let’s see more in detail what I mean by each.
be your true self
be who you truly truly are. What is important here is the ‘YOU’ and the ‘truly’. Be clear about who is YOU and who you TRULY are.
understand who you truly are
to get the first point you need to understand who you truly are. Ask yourself, who am I truly?
be happy about small things
be happy about small things such as spending time with your woman, making her a deep loving surprise, taking a swim, smelling the trees, good food!
be kind and deeply loving
be kind and deeply loving with yourself, others, especially with the person you truly deeply love;
understand what the anger issue is truly about
understand what the anger issue is truly about, how YOU can change this. ask yourself: how can I use my unique talent find peace.
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© Julia Noyel 2024. Profile picture: Julia Noyel