Category Archives: Happy relationship

Make your true love man commit – Should I contact him

should I contact him- make your man commit by julia noyel

Wondering should I contact him – how to make your true love man commit? Are you tired of always taking the initiative with the man of your life? So, there’s this man you love deeply; you ask yourself, “Should I contact him? Should I chase this man? Should I ask him to meet, and organize things? Invite him to eat at my house etc.? When will he do what he has to do?”


“True, deep romantic love is not a fairy tale but a choice.” –Julia Noyel

If you dream of having it all: a deep and romantic love life, a happy, healthy,  successful family, happy children, a peaceful, lasting “growing old together” relationship, with your deep loving romantic spouse, being happy, healthy, successful your career, you have come to the right place here.

My goal is to support you in reaching your goal of having perfection in your life, create your ideal life. My mission is to promote kindness, peace, love (romance), make this world better. I am a seeker of truth and a promoter of “true love.” I believe that anything is possible, I am passionate about supporting you to transform your love life, succeed, to create a perfect, lasting, happy, healthy, successful life; a life based on kindness, true deep LOVE, romance.

Should I contact him – make your true love man commit


I know so well. The temptation is huge. If we love a man so deeply, we want to show him how much we wanna be with him. But letting your man be the romantic man for you, will make you feel better, him, too.


“My motto: It’s the bee that comes to the flower
and not the other way around! -Julia Noyel


I believe, if you want true deep loving romantic love, certain natural laws of life cannot be changed, particularly with regard to the relationship between a man and a woman: “It’s the bee that comes to the flower and not the other way around!”

So if you want true deep love, you want your man putting constant, steady romantic effort to claim you as his woman, makes you, your couple an absolute priority, asking you for marriage, I believe it is helpful allowing you to change your perspective, let your man show you how romantic he can be.  Because running after a man is a perspective. The question is not so much about should I contact him or not, the question is about your posture, your perspective. Stay true to yourself, the deepest romantic values in your life, it is important to take a healthy perspective, get clear what running after a man means to you.

What do I mean? Take a flower as a metaphor. A flower is shining its beauty, it is steady, growing at it’s place. It is available, proud. Flowers often symbolize joy, beauty, love, romance. I believe if you’re like me, a divine feminine woman who wants to be at peace, and you want to be with a man who assumes his masculinity, who’s only waiting for one thing: to take the romantic lead in the relationship, don’t try to turn you into a nomadic flower or a bee! Take a beautiful flower attitude: be steady and stable, make others happy by your beauty, joy, your kindness, work on growing to become the best version to be proud. Show you are available, that you are proud. Have the right attitude, kind loving vibrations will help.

In my program get true love back-success on all levels, I will show you how to become the absolute best versiion of yourself, how to communicate with a man in an appealing way. I did this and you can, too. In my program I will share with you all my wisdom, my intuitive perceptions, help you to use your own innovative approach, take the right actions towards your man.

Your man who has understood who he truly is will prove it to you. He will put effort in, will prove you his love. He will fly over mountains for you; he will come to you like a bee to a flower again, again. He will do everything to prove that he will be the best choice among all these men. Instead of focusing on the question “how to move to chase your man,” focus on yourself and enter your feminine power: Take care of your beauty, create good healthy emotions, use your creativity to create your perfect future, and create good memories, attract your man and you will be amazed.

During my intensive program get true love back-success on all levels, I will show you how to attract true love into your life, how to have faith, collaborate with the divine, develop your wisdom, believe in your success. Feel free to check out my program get true love back here.

© 2016 Julia Noyel. All rights reserved. Photo credit: Fotolia – Hans-Jürgen Krahl

How to attract love in life & succeed in creating a longterm relationship

How to attract love in life & succeed in creating a longterm relationship? by Julia Noyel

How to attract love in life & succeed in creating a longterm relationship?

by Julia Noyel

You wanna true deep long-lasting love? Wondering how to attract love in life & succeed in creating a longterm relationship, having a sustainable long-term relationship with the person you truly deeply love!

I understand how you might feel. Wanting to have peace, harmony, romance in your life, a sustainable long-term relationship. I am so glad you are here. I am a truth, deep love finder, expert in body-mind-soul communication, inner SUBSTANCE Coach. I had dedicated the past 10 years to researching and understanding what actually makes some people succeed in their love life, having deep love, romance, healthy passion, a deep loving bond on a sustainable basis. In this articles, I will give you 3 tips. So let’s have a look at 3 success factors when it comes to love and having a sustainable true deep life-time relationship.


3 tips when  it   comes to your love life


Believe in having true deep love, romance on a sustainable basis

Do you believe in true romantic love? That’s great! I believe love can be ever lasting, deep romantic, true love.

Julia Noyel Founder art of a happy, healthy, successful life

Be ambitious, become a true believer in true love, have faith. Once you do this, miracles will happen in your life. You need to know you are complete. Changing your perceptions will help. When you work on the right issues, you will succeed.

If you want to have this, ask yourself: Do I engage with a partner I truly deeply love from the bottom of my heart, with who I can have this romantic true deep love relationship?

My tip:

Engage in a relationship with THE partner you truly deeply love, romantically. Decide to feel, feel the love in your heart for this person.


Stay strong

Wanting it simple is good; however, true love is about loving deeply no matter the circumstances.

My tip: ask yourself:  how much effort do I want to put into a relationship?  How can I stay ambitious?


Know you can solve it alone

The good news is, when you decide solving it on your own, you will see miracles happen. You can decide about your story, use your power in good ways to change things for the better. When you truly decide you want to have a true deep love, put the right effort in, you will be successful.

In my program get true love back – success on all levels, I share with you what I have learned, my strategy. In my program, you will learn how powerful, to take full responsibility. You are going to become autonomous in order to change your story. Ready to succeed now in your love life? Check my program out here.

© Julia Noyel 2022. All rights reserved. profile picture



How to find a true love be the best partner?

How to find true love be the best partner by Julia Noyel

How to find a true love be the best partner?

by Julia Noyel


Wondering how to find true love, be the best partner with the person you truly deeply love? You want to have true deep romance on a sustainable basis?

What if I told you that you can actually have this, have power over your life,  get a strategy, tools that actually work, find a true deep love on a sustainable basis, be the  best partner. I believe you absolutely can. I am a believer, true love finder.

So how to find a true love and be the best partner? You can do this. Let me share here a few secret with you.

3 tips when  it  comes to love



Donner de l’amour aide. Posez-vous de meilleures questions et créer des situations harmonieuses et paisibles.1. use your power in good ways
2. take responsability
3. Wanting it simple, but put effort in

Let’s discuss more in detail what I mean by each of those.


Use your power in good ways

Use your power in good ways, impact things in good efficient ways. you can do this, Be successful with the person you truly deeply love.

Take responsability

Take responsability for what happens in your life. Have kind, deep loving, helpful perceptions. Give true love.

Wanting it simple, put effort in

Wanting your love life simple is good, when necessary be willing, put effort in is helpful. I believe, when you work on the right issues, you will succeed. You will not only get a true love into your life but also become a much better version of yourself, the best partner! That’s my experience.

Imagine what it would feel like if you knew exactly what to do to have true love be the best partner with the person you truly deeply love?


In my program get true deep love back into your life – success on all levels, I  I share with my strategy, help you to develop your own innovative approach. for more information, check my program out here.


© Julia Noyel 2022. All rights reserved. Photo: Julia Noyel

fertility naturally reach your goals now

Natural fertility reach your goals now

fertility naturally

by Julia Noyel


Does this sound familiar? pregnant, You wanna have deep loving babies wondering how to reach your goal? You want to reach your goal naturally.

Let me share with you my thoughts, insights in this article.

“II believe if you wanna succeed in your project having children now ask you questions that will help you reach your goals now.” – Julia Noyel


Julia Noyel Coach hypersensibe, INFP, empathe, experte confiance en soi, ames jumellesFrom my point of view, asking you the right questions is helpful, reaching your goals.

Let me share with you my point of view. I believe if you wanna give you a chance, to
succeed you should ask yourself questions that will help you to succeed, make you feel powerful.

As a highly intuitive based on my intuitive research regarding this topic ‘fertility naturally’,  I am a strong believer in creating your ideal life for yourself. During my intuitive research  I discovered amazing insights on how the body, mind, soul functions, I believe having children naturally is possible.

fertility naturally reach your goals now

Let me remind you how strong you are. There is a way to solve this. If you have set yourself the goal having children, believe in yourself.

If you have been drawn to my article intuitively, there might be message here for you. I wanna encourage you to believe in yourself, your capacity to create the life you want, and miracles to happen.

I would be glad to support you on your journey towards success. In my deep transformative program, ‘get true love back- success on all levels,’ I show you how to use your power in safe & healthy way to reach your goals.  Check out my program here….

© Julia Noyel 2022. All rights reserved. Photo: VistaCreate, profile picture, Font Sam Parrett













Changing Your Life – How to make a difficult decision to move to true love and a lifetime Romantic Relationship

Changing Your Life – How to make a difficult decision to move to true love and a lifetime Romantic RelationshipChanging Your Life – How to make a
decision to move to true love a lifetime Romantic Relationship

By Julia Noyel

You want to feel happy in your life, be in a good health,  getting up early in the morning enthusiastic starting the day. During the weekends you want to spend time with the person you truly deeply love, live in the city you love with the person you truly deeply love?  You wonder how to make a difficult decision, have true deep love, romance in your life. Now ? Realise your ideal life. Now !

Welcome, my name is  Julia Noyel and I am the founder of art of a different, happy, healthy & successful life,  SUBSTANCEMIND®.

I’m so glad you’re here. 

I am a truth finder, I have changed my life successfully leading my ideal life, a life I truly deeply love, an authentic life.  In this article I want to share with you my insights that might help you to make a decision lead a romantic & passionate life based on true love, romance with the person you truly deeply love.

What do to? let’s see what might help to change your life now, lead your ideal life.

My tip: Evaluate your current life, feel how you feel. Give yourself permission, be truly authentic, create your ideal life now.








The good news is that you can do it on your own. You can change your story, you have absolute power to change things, create your ideal life based on true deep love.

In my program ‘get true love back – success on all levels’ I show you in detail how to stay true to yourself, listen to yourself. feel your passion, be completely authentic.

Ready to succeed now in your love life? Then check out my program ‘get true love back’ here.


© Julia Noyel 2021. All rights reserved. Credit Photo profile picture: Julia Noyel, vistacreate, font sam parret