Category Archives: Confiance en soi

How to succeed as a self-employed, consultant, freelancer, coach

How to succeed as a self-employed, consultant, freelancer, coach

By Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpgYou are self employed, freelancer, trainer, consultant, coach or you want to be one? You want to get clarity regarding your new business idea, be successful, use your self-confidence? You want to get organized, you just have a small budget to market your offer? Welcome, my name is Julia Noyel and I am here to help, support you.

I know the step to the independence is an important step in your life. Working on your own is rewarding, a wonderful way to manage your life easily, to be authentic, to make this world a better world.

Working on your own as a freelancer, being self-employed, having your own business is an art, a creative endeavour, a courageous, deep loving choice.

I cannot do things for you, but I can help you to:

  • understand how succeed as a self-employed, consultant, freelancer, coach
  • identify ways how to be successful in your business
  • get clarity, be super resilient
  • believe in yourself
  • know your skills and talents and communicate them to others
  • be well organised and peaceful
  • have confidence, self- esteem
  • work efficiently
  • encourage yourself
  • help you build an action plan
  • lead a balanced and healthy life.

You find my coaching packages here.

Feel free to check out my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels.


© Julia Noyel 2024, profile picture julia Noyel

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articles, videos, posts?
Send me an email with your name as well as
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I love my femininity positive affirmations by Julia Noyel

I love my femininity positiv

I love my femininity positive affirmations

by Julia Noyel


Here are 5 positive affirmations that can help you  :

I love my feminity
It is ok to be feminine
I am a beautiful woman
It is good to do feminine things
I love being a woman

Being a woman and feminine is wonderful. Give peace to you, others.

You want more affirmations, help, guidance, intuitive insights?

In my self-coaching program get true deep love back into your life success on all levels I show you how you can help yourself, creating the deep loving relationship with yourself, your man. Learn more about the program here.

You need 1:1 coaching, guidance, my intuitive insights? Check out my coaching services here.

Have a great day,



@Julia Noyel 2024. profile picture Julia Noyel.

I believe in my man positive affirmations by Julia Noyel

33 - I believe in my man now

I believe in my man positive affirmations

by Julia Noyel



Here are 5 positive affirmations that can help you  :

I believe in my man

I love my man deeply

I believe that my man can change for the better

My man earns good money and is successful

My man is autonomous and takes now responsibility



In my self-coaching program get true deep love back into your life success on all levels I show you how you can help yourself, creating the deep loving relationship you want. Learn more about the program here.

You need 1:1 coaching, guidance, my intuitive insights? Check out my coaching services here.

Feel free to check ou my subliminal video on my youtube channel here. Please notice, when you click on this link you accept you will be redirected to youtube.

Have a great day,



@Julia Noyel 2024. profile picture Julia Noyel

Webinar Q & A Coaching Program Get true deep love back – success on all levels august 2nd, 2024 at 16h30

Webinar Q & A Coaching Program Get true deep love back – success on all levels by Julia Noyel August 2nd 2024 at 16h30Webinar Q & A Coaching Program

Get true deep love back – success on all levels

by Julia Noyel

You want to have true deep love in your life, success on all levels, in all areas of your life, you are INFP, intuitive, highly sensitive, empathe, creative ?

In my webinar on August 2nd, 2024 and August 5th, 2024 at 10h I answer your questions in regards to my coaching program Get true deep love back – success on all levels.  Contact me by email to subscribe to the webinar.

 © Julia Noyel 2024, profile picture : Julia Noyel

be a at home working mom organise yourself highly sensitive empathe creative intuitive

be a at home working
mom organise yourself highly
sensitive empathe creative intuitive

by Julia Noyel

you are highly sensitive, empathe, creative, intuitive, you want to be a at home working mom, be a good mom, have enough time for your children, yourself your house, your man, your family, your business, the work you are passionate about! you are right!

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpgwelcome my name is Julia Noyel and I help you organise yourself perfectly well, having enough  time for yourself, your children, yourself your house, your man, your family, your business, the work you are passionate about!

I offer different coaching packages adapted to your specific needs. I work intuitive, practical, strategical. session are online, or by phone. All coaching sessions are customized.

I speak French, German, English.

Coaching packages


1 hour 160 EUR (VAT included)

this 1 hour coaching session is best for you if you want to discuss one topic, get answer to one question, discover my coaching sessions.

in depth coaching (two options available)

5 hours 750 EUR (VAT included)

10 hours 1500 EUR (VAT included)

to organise  you perfectly well.

strategic success coaching

1/2 day 450 EUR (VAT included)

this coaching package is best for you if you want to create quick action plan, prioritise topics you need to work on, best tools to reach your goals.

1 day 750 EUR (VAT included)

for all packages, payment is upon order. You get 10% reduction on my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels if you book one of my coaching packages.

be a at home working mom organise yourself highly sensitive empathe creative intuitive

Other topics you might be interested in during a coaching with me

  • live a happy, healthy, successful life
  • intuitive life
  • self-confidence, true love
  • happy couple, get your ex back
  • handle your emotions, resilience
  • business alignment & wealth
  • feminity, use your intuition, master your spiritual gift in safe healthy, protected ways
  • manage your unique talent in every day life
  • realise your goals, reach success NOW
  • handle paranormal appearances, hearing voices, clearsentience, clearvoyance, clearaudience, clearcognizance
  • organisation, efficiency, time management for creatives, intuitives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empathes,  expats
  • communicate efficiently, promote yourself
  • create your company, work on your own, create an intuitive/creative business, career, abundance
  • create your coaching, consulting, training business
  • product development, creating your personal, creating your business unique value proposition
  • marketing advice for intuitives, creatives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empaths
  • change your life for the better, safe energy work
  • create a family, pregnancy, get pregnant naturally
  • be a best parent, raise children
  • have enough time for yourself, your children, your relationship
  • highly sensitive, creative, highly intuitive INFP, empath, twin flame topics

contact me by email to book your coaching package NOW (-:

1 hour

(prepaid 1 session)
1 hour session (=60 min) by visio
or phone, once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

160 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

1/2 day or 1 day

(prepaid 1 session)
3 hours sessions by visio
or phone, once.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

450 EUR (VAT included)
750 EUR (VAT included) 1 day

Coaching 1:1

5 or 10 hours

(prepaid 1 session)
5 or 10 hours sessions (=60 min) by visio
or phone, once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

750 EUR (VAT included)
or 1500 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

© Julia Noyel 2024. Photo profile picture: julia noyel