Category Archives: Change your life

Three keys to change your life successfully

 INFP – Three keys to change your life successfully by Julia Noyel

Three keys change
your life successfully

by Julia Noyel

You want to change your life, change your job, have a true deep love, romantic relationship, children with the person you truly deeply love, change the city, you are wondering where to start?  You are right. You are worth the best. In this article I share with you 3 keys that might help you to change your life successfully now.


Donner de l’amour aide. Posez-vous de meilleures questions et créer des situations harmonieuses et paisibles.

“If you wanna realize your ideal life make it a rule: “I never postpone”
That is my secret to success, I am eager to share it here with you.” – Julia Noyel

If you wanna realize your ideal life make it a rule: “I never postpone”  Using your whole capacities, move. That is my secret to
success, I am eager to share it here with you.

I share with you here three skills that helped me personally to change my life, create my ideal life

Three keys to change your life successfully

1. Focus on what is in alignment with your ideal life.
2. Develop your manifestation skills
3. Focus on success

Ok, let me explain you more in detail.

INFP reach your goals NO

Focus on what is in alignment with your ideal life.

I believe it is truly important you nurture your needs like watering a flower (I hope you treat your flowers with love kindness, care! (-:). Make your ideal life become possible. Now. To be successful in changing your life, I believe it is helpful to focus on what is in alignment with your ideal life.

Use your manifestation skills.

In addition to the action steps you take to realise your ideal life, using your
manifestation skills in good safe, healthy, protected ways to reach success might be helpful.

Focus on success.

Have positive thoughts. You can always change the outcome by having good deep loving thoughts.


I know with a few creative, simple tools, a strategy, you will have all the keys, change your life, lead a different, happy, healthy, successful life.

Using all your capacities, finding your own innovative approach to get what you truly want, is in alignment with who you truly are is helpful. In my program ‘get true love back-success on all levels’ I will share with you how to get true love back into your life, attract a happy, healthy & successful life, succeed on all levels. Find out more here…

Get true love back– Success on all levels

© Julia Noyel 2021. Copyright. All rights reserved. Photo:  Julia Noyel













Changing Your Life – How to make a difficult decision to move to true love and a lifetime Romantic Relationship

Changing Your Life – How to make a difficult decision to move to true love and a lifetime Romantic RelationshipChanging Your Life – How to make a
decision to move to true love a lifetime Romantic Relationship

By Julia Noyel

You want to feel happy in your life, be in a good health,  getting up early in the morning enthusiastic starting the day. During the weekends you want to spend time with the person you truly deeply love, live in the city you love with the person you truly deeply love?  You wonder how to make a difficult decision, have true deep love, romance in your life. Now ? Realise your ideal life. Now !

Welcome, my name is  Julia Noyel and I am the founder of art of a different, happy, healthy & successful life,  SUBSTANCEMIND®.

I’m so glad you’re here. 

I am a truth finder, I have changed my life successfully leading my ideal life, a life I truly deeply love, an authentic life.  In this article I want to share with you my insights that might help you to make a decision lead a romantic & passionate life based on true love, romance with the person you truly deeply love.

What do to? let’s see what might help to change your life now, lead your ideal life.

My tip: Evaluate your current life, feel how you feel. Give yourself permission, be truly authentic, create your ideal life now.








The good news is that you can do it on your own. You can change your story, you have absolute power to change things, create your ideal life based on true deep love.

In my program ‘get true love back – success on all levels’ I show you in detail how to stay true to yourself, listen to yourself. feel your passion, be completely authentic.

Ready to succeed now in your love life? Then check out my program ‘get true love back’ here.


© Julia Noyel 2021. All rights reserved. Credit Photo profile picture: Julia Noyel, vistacreate, font sam parret















how to be successful happy independent healthy at work

how to be happy, healthy independant successful at workHow to be successful, happy, independent healthy at work?

update on 15/02/2024

by julia noyel

You want to be successful, happy, independent, healthy at work? You have a job, perhaps even very well paid, but you want to be happy at work? You want more time for your family, your relationship! How to be successful, happy, independent, healthy at work? In this article I share with you 5 tips to be happy at work:

‘Working, being happy healthy is possible! – Julia Noyel


Here are 5 tips to be successful, happy, independent healthy at work:

be authentic at work.

being authentic at work is helpful, be happy, working in alignment with your values, independent, healthy reach success.


have enough confidence in you, work efficiently, reach your goals

I believe believing in yourself, have confidence in you, your unique talent is helpful, work efficiently reach your goals. Now.


Do a job that is in alignment with your needs desires.

Do a job that is in alignment with your needs as well as deepest desires happiness, health, success, independence.


Create a work environment suited to your needs.

Creating a work environment suited to your needs, having time for your children, your relationship, your family, money.

Be successful, happy, independent, healthy at work.


Use your unique talent

Use your unique talent to be successful, happy, independent, healthy at work.


Sometimes small steps are enough to work differently, be happy, healthy, independent at work.

You need help? I know that the path to a happy, healthy, successful work is possible.


My mission is to …

help you to use your unique talent to create happiness, health, success, needs in safe, healthy, protected ways
help you to do the right things to reach success
help you to improve, create your ideal working environment
help you to communicate effectively
help you to be successful, happy at work
help you to enhance your work performance, your leadership capacity
help you to show your uniqueness at work, be authentic, stay true to yourself, with others,
help you create yourself a job that makes you happy, successful that is in harmony with your needs as well as your talents

Contact me for further information

Coach divine feminine Julia NoyelI am former Consultant, trainer, lecturer in various business schools, today Coach & certified Coach & Psychological Counselor. I have over 20 years of experience in the field of human resources management, consulting in various industries such as luxuray, retail, IT, automotive, service, biopharma sector. I have myself completely changed my professional life. I am author of several self-help books, including black sheep lives better: how to change and realize your dream life. I am expert in authentic communication, emotional managemet, body-mind-soull communication, authenticity. My goal is to enable everyone to live a different, happy, healthy, successful life.

© Photo credit: fotolia © Julia Noyel 2014 Copyright. All rights reserved.