Category Archives: Change your life

Coach self-confidence happy couple parents Lyon (highly sensitive expat infp twin flame)

Coach self-confidence happy couple parents Lyon highly sensitive intuitives creatives expat infp twin flame


I am Julia Noyel. I am so glad you are here, you want support, guidance, new insights?!

Well come. My name is julia Noyel I help you reach your goals now.

Coach confiance en soi couple heureux parents Lyon hypersensible expat infpI am certified Coach psychological counselor  & highly intuitive.

I offer online coaching self-confidence happy couple parents  highly sensitive expat infp twin flame in three langues, German, French, English.

My company is based in Lyon France

Former international HR manager, corporate coach & consultant, founder of ZenExpat’ consultancy in global mobility & relocation, I offer today

Life Coaching for individuals online in regards to the following topics

self-confidence, success, love, relationship, happy couple, happy & successful at work, pregnancy, education, best parents, intuitive guidance (see all topics below).

Coaching sessions

During my coachings sessions I help you develop your own innovative approach, use your unique talent to create your ideal life. I also give you my intuitive insights as well as hands-on advice to help you create your ideal life in all areas of your life (your relationship/love life, having children, creating a family, raising happy, healthy, successful children, work, creating your intuitive /creative business, earning money with your business).

My coaching sessions take place by phone or video. Depending on the question, client I choose the most appropriate tools. I work intuitively,
practical, strategically. My coaching sessions are the perfect solution to you if you seek for guidance and you want to talk to me, get clarity and my direct support.


Topics we can discuss during a coaching

  • self-confidence
  • happy couple, get your ex back
  • handle your emotions, resilience
  • business alignment & wealth
  • feminity, use your intuition, master your spiritual gift in safe healthy, protected ways
  • manage your unique talent in every day life
  • realise your goals, reach success NOW
  • leadership, team work, be a good manager
  • handle paranormal appearances, hearing voices, clearsentience, clearvoyance, clearaudience, clearcognizance
  • organisation, efficiency, time management for creatives, intuitives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empathes,  expats
  • communicate efficiently, promote yourself
  • create your company, work on your own, create an intuitive/creative business, career, abundance
  • create your coaching, consulting, training business
  • product development, creating your personal, ceating your business unique value proposition
  • marketing advice for intuitives, creatives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empaths
  • change your life for the better, safe energy work
  • create a family, pregnancy, get pregnant naturally
  • be a best parent, raise children
  • have enough time for yourself, your children, your relationship
  • highly sensitive, creative, highly intuitive INFP, empath, twin flame topics

Fees: 160 EUR/hour coaching session, contact me. (-:

Feel free to also check out my coaching programs that help you be truly autonomous.

coaching packages


1/2 day
Strategic Coaching

(prepaid 3 hours package=1/2 day)

per visio
or phone.

simply contact me by email to book your strategic session.

450 EUR (VAT included)
750 EUR/day (VAT included)

5 sessions

(prepaid 5 sessions package)
1 hour sessions (=60 min) by visio
or phone, once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

750 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

10 sessions

(prepaid 10 sessions package)
1 hours sessions (=60min) by visio
or phone, once per week (possibility to book two hours sesssions) .

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

1500 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1


Julia Noyel Founder art of a happy, healthy, successful lifeJulia Noyel is German. She has been living in France for the past 20 years. She is certified Coach, psychological advisor, helds a certification in energy work as well as two master degrees in international economics (specialisation strategic leadership, change management), international labor law; Julia works today as Coach helping individuals to reach their life goals having a deep love relationship, having children, earning money with their passion, creating an ideal life. She has 17 years experience in the corporate, 10 years as a Coach, having worked for famous management consultancies as well multinational companies for various industries such as automotive, luxury, retail, service, IT sector as Coach, Consultant, Trainer, international HR & Global Mobility Manager, as well as Business School teacher for business school in Lyon & Paris, working also for international schools in Lyon with children from age 6 to 17. Her aim is to share her experience, knowledge, wisdom on how to master the art of a happy, healthy, successful life through her books, coaching programs, coaching tools (coaching cards, mini courses), to help people (especially highly sensitives, intuitives, Infps, creatives, empaths, all who feel different, twin flames) to help themselves, being truly autonomous, to reach their goals Now.

SelfCOACHING Program Get true love back. Success on all levels by Julia Noyel

© Julia Noyel 2023. All rights reserved. Credit Photo profile picture:,
julia noyel



INFP Highly sensitives empath intuitives twin flame VIP self-coaching content

NFP Highly sensitives empath intuitives twin flame VIP self-coaching contentINFP Highly sensitive empath intuitives twin flame VIP self-coaching content

You are INFP highly sensitive empath intuitive, twin flame, you want regular inspiration? You are on a twin flame journey, wondering what are the next steps you can work on?

When you join my VIP program, I will send you weekly self-coaching content, my latest insight in three languages (German, English, French).

You will get:

  • 1 prerecorded videos in French, English, German per week (3×1)
  • invitation to my live events min 4 per year (in French, English, German)
  • 1 VIP written article with self-coaching questions per month in French, English, German (1×3)
  • weekly motivation & inspiration
  • My content is desktop optimised computer. Please check reading articles on my webpage if you want to use your mobile phone, tablette before you purchase.

Topics regarding

  1. true love, twin flame reunion,
  2. be best parents
  3. INFPs, Highly sensitives, empaths
  4. use your spirituality in safe ways
  5. intuitive business
  6. intuitive, be more feminine.

For the prerecorded videos I might use my coaching cards to give you new perspectives, use body mind-soul-communications, I also might talk freely about any topic.

Please notice the VIP content, topics discussed are randomly choosen.

if you want a more structured approach, please check out my get true deep love back program, as well as my other coaching programs.


One single Payment in advance. Once you have paid you will get a confirmation email. I will send you on a weekly basis.

The subscription is for one year.

Format email


  • You get my insights on above topics
  • help yourself by getting new perspectives, insights
  • high-quality VIP articles with Self-Coaching questions
  • Motivation & inspiration for your self-coaching

Please notice there is no group, forum, individual support included. My live events are not recorded.

Contact me by email to subscribe.

© Julia Noyel 2024. Photo Julia Noyel.

Coaching 1:1 INFP Highly sensitive empath twin flame intuitive

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flames

Coaching 1:1 INFP Highly sensitive empath,
creative, twin flame intuitive

You want to reach your goals:
love, children, a happy job, INFP, highly
sensitive empath twin flame intuitives,
manage your talent, medium, psychic skills.

I offer Coaching 1:1 sessions for people who want 1:1 coaching,
coaching packages 5, 10 sessions as well as strategic & intuitive 1/2 day (3 hours) coaching as well as 1 day coaching to get together your action plan quickly.

Coaching sessions

My coaching sessions take place by phone or video. Depending on the question, client I choose the most appropriate tools. I work intuitively,
practical, strategically in English, German, French.

Fees: 160 EUR/hour coaching session, contact me. (-:

Feel free to also check out my coaching programs that help you be truly

Topics we can discuss during a coaching

  • self-confidence
  • happy couple, get your ex back
  • handle your emotions, resilience
  • business alignment & wealth
  • feminity, use your intuition, master your spiritual gift
    in safe healthy, protected ways
  • manage your unique talent in every day life
  • realise your goals, reach success NOW
  • handle paranormal appearances, hearing voices, clearsentience, clearvoyance, clearaudience, clearcognizance
  • organisation, efficiency, time management for creatives, intuitives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empathes,  expats
  • communicate efficiently, promote yourself
  • create your company, work on your own, create an intuitive/creative business, career, abundance
  • create your coaching, consulting, training business
  • product development, creating your personal, ceating your business unique value proposition
  • marketing advice for intuitives, creatives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empaths
  • change your life for the better, safe energy work
  • create a family, pregnancy, get pregnant naturally
  • be a best parent, raise children
  • have enough time for yourself, your children, your relationship
  • highly sensitive, creative, highly intuitive INFP, empath, twin flame topics


Strategic coaching
1/2 day

3 hours (1/2 day) by visio
or phone.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching day.

450 EUR (VAT included) 750 EUR 1 day=(6hrs)

Coaching 1:1

5 sessions

(prepaid 5 sessions
1 hour sessions by visio
or phone (weekly).

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

750 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

10 sessions

(prepaid 10 sessions package)
1 hour sessions by visio
or phone (weekly).

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

1500 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

Is the twin flame journey worth the effort

Is the twin flame journey worth the effort? by Julia Noyel


Is the twin flame journey worth the effort

by Julia Noyel

You are on twin flame journey, wonder, is this worth the effort? Have you tried to reunite for months with your twin flame maybe years wondering if you should continue to put effort in? In this article I want to share with you 5 benefits being on a twin flame journey, why according to me this is worth the effort succeed.

Donner de l’amour aide. Posez-vous de meilleures questions et créer des situations harmonieuses et paisibles.‘You will feel your true deep nature an amazing wonderful feeling’ – Julia Noyel


Continue believing in you, your twin flame you will be helpful to be rewarded for your hard efforts (1)

Continue believing in you, your twin flame will be helpful for being rewarded for your hard efforts. You will get what you have asked for as long as this is in alignment with true deep love, romance, healthy passion, happiness, health, success, having children, marriage, financial as well as love abundance, true deep intense love, feelings of joy, healthy passion, romance happiness, health, success on a sustainable basis with your twin flame.

feeling your true deep nature (2)

You will feel your true deep nature an amazing wonderful feeling to feel so deeply connected to your deep feminine essence, to feel your man’s strong masculine essence.

reexperiencing something very deep  (3)

You will experience a relationship based on true deep love, romance, harmony. A peaceful yet passionate relationship. Deep unity, understanding with your twin flame  you.

become very very strong (4)

During your twin flame journey you will become super resilient, get your power back, master your unique talent to create happiness, health, success, true deep love, romance,  make this world a better world.

truly seen (5)

You will be appreciated for who you truly are as well as for what you do. Your true nature, body, mind, soul, yourself will be truly seen by you, your twin flame, others. You will finally shine on all levels.

In my program get true deep love back into your life – success on all levels I show you how I sped up the twin flame journey, succeed in goals I set myself. In this program I show you the exact strategy I have used.

© Julia Noyel 2023. All rights reserved. Credit Photo
profile picture: Julia Noyel