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highly sensitive INFP Public speaking, have more confidence in yourself every moment Lyon online

highly sensitive INFP Public speaking, have more confidence in yourself every moment Lyon online

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel_Coach réussir sa vieYou are highly sensitive, INFP, creative, intuitive? You want to feel confident in public speaking?



What I offer

I propose Individual coaching, role play, exercise, practice. At any level. Intuitive, I also work on a subconscious level, as specialist in body-mind-soul communication I can help you to feel, think positively.

About me

I am certified coach, professional trainer, former teacher at Business Schools in Lyon, Paris area. I thelp people mastering the the art of a different, happy, healthy, successful life, including communication, emotion management, self-confidence. I am expert in people management, self-confidence, founder of the art of a different life, happy, healthy and successful.

Langues :

French, German English

Hourly rate :

1h : 160€

Coaching packages

3h: 450 €

5h : 750 €

10h : 1500 €

check out details, all my coaching offers & book your session here.

© Julia Noyel 2024.

Expat Coach ZenExpat’ Lyon France

Hi I am Julia,

Julia Noyel Founder art of a happy, healthy, successful life, coach expats, Lyon INFP, intuitive, creatives, highly sensitives, empaths, mediums

founder of ZenExpat’ (Consultancy in Global mobility) & former Globility manager, specialist in international HR & relocation consultant, having worked for multinationals, with international children in international schools in Lyon, taught in famous business schools in Lyon and Paris International globility, people management having helped many people their families coming to Lyon France or going abroad.

I today coach people to help them help themselves to live a happy, healthy, successful life, to feel happy, healthy, success in their private life, have a happy relationship, happy, children, as well as a happy job.

Originary from Munich, Germany, I have been living in France for more than 20 years in Lyon, Paris, Cannes, Sophia Antipolis, but also lived in Innsbruck, Austria, Düsseldorf having worked for many expats their families coming from all different destinations (such as Germany, Switzerland, China, Sweden, India, UK, Canada Vancouver) working for various industries such as IT, services, Luxury, retail, automotive, biopharma sector.

If you are Expat, you live abroad in France or want to go abroad, you need support, clarity I help you

  • to get clarity
  • to adjust to the French culture, give yourself strength
  • to manage cultural differences
  • to get clarity on how to lead a happy, healthy, successful live in your new destination
  • to feel self-confident, strong
  • to feel safe, peaceful in your new living environment
  • to increase your self-worth
  • to find a job, create your business
  • to help you as a parent to help your children to feel good abroad especially in France
  • to be more efficient, organised, successful, a better communicator.

I have a master degree in international economics (specialisation in changement management & strategy), another one in global mobility  & labour law, as well as a certification as coach & psychological advisor. I know well the admin issues, also what it means physically, mentally, emotionally to go abroad. Contact me by email to see if I can help.

© Julia Noyel 2024. All rights reserved. Credit Photo: