Category Archives: 1:1 coaching

Master the art of a happy, healthy, successful life by Julia Noyel

Master the art of a happy, healthy, successful life

Master the art of a happy, healthy, successful life

by Julia Noyel




Welcome to Art of a different, happy, healthy life! My name is Julia Noyel, I am glad you are here!





What if you could transform your life overnight, create a life that makes you proud, happy? SUCCESS, AUTHENTICITY, creativity, use your SELF-CONFIDENCE, more money, more time, high motivation & performance, HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS at work, a deep love relationship with the person you truly deeply love, a happy family life?

Welcome to –
Art of a different, happy & healthy life is for all those who would like to have success and lead a different, happy and healthy life. I created to show you how to do this and to inspire you to make the first step!

From experience I know it is possible. I know how you feel when you do not live a life that makes you happy. Today I live a life that makes me happy. So you can too. Become an artist of your life, create a life that makes you happy & successful.

Did you know that there are simple, creative and highly efficient techniques for you that can help you to feel self-confident, safe, creative, beautiful & calm?

I show you how to…

love yourself, others, truly self-confident
stay true to yourself and with others
communicate with yourself, others in an authentic way
be unique, use your difference
feel fully, express your feelings in safe, healthy protected ways, use your strengths, fullfill your needs and express your boundaries
follow your intuition, use your creativity & creative an innovative life
be a performer, have success and live a successful life that makes you happy.

Read more…

© Julia Noyel 2024.  Profile picture : Julia Noyel.


be a at home working mom organise yourself highly sensitive empathe creative intuitive

be a at home working
mom organise yourself highly
sensitive empathe creative intuitive

by Julia Noyel

you are highly sensitive, empathe, creative, intuitive, you want to be a at home working mom, be a good mom, have enough time for your children, yourself your house, your man, your family, your business, the work you are passionate about! you are right!

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpgwelcome my name is Julia Noyel and I help you organise yourself perfectly well, having enough  time for yourself, your children, yourself your house, your man, your family, your business, the work you are passionate about!

I offer different coaching packages adapted to your specific needs. I work intuitive, practical, strategical. session are online, or by phone. All coaching sessions are customized.

I speak French, German, English.

Coaching packages


1 hour 160 EUR (VAT included)

this 1 hour coaching session is best for you if you want to discuss one topic, get answer to one question, discover my coaching sessions.

in depth coaching (two options available)

5 hours 750 EUR (VAT included)

10 hours 1500 EUR (VAT included)

to organise  you perfectly well.

strategic success coaching

1/2 day 450 EUR (VAT included)

this coaching package is best for you if you want to create quick action plan, prioritise topics you need to work on, best tools to reach your goals.

1 day 750 EUR (VAT included)

for all packages, payment is upon order. You get 10% reduction on my coaching program get true deep love back into your life, success on all levels if you book one of my coaching packages.

be a at home working mom organise yourself highly sensitive empathe creative intuitive

Other topics you might be interested in during a coaching with me

  • live a happy, healthy, successful life
  • intuitive life
  • self-confidence, true love
  • happy couple, get your ex back
  • handle your emotions, resilience
  • business alignment & wealth
  • feminity, use your intuition, master your spiritual gift in safe healthy, protected ways
  • manage your unique talent in every day life
  • realise your goals, reach success NOW
  • handle paranormal appearances, hearing voices, clearsentience, clearvoyance, clearaudience, clearcognizance
  • organisation, efficiency, time management for creatives, intuitives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empathes,  expats
  • communicate efficiently, promote yourself
  • create your company, work on your own, create an intuitive/creative business, career, abundance
  • create your coaching, consulting, training business
  • product development, creating your personal, creating your business unique value proposition
  • marketing advice for intuitives, creatives, highly sensitives, INFPs, empaths
  • change your life for the better, safe energy work
  • create a family, pregnancy, get pregnant naturally
  • be a best parent, raise children
  • have enough time for yourself, your children, your relationship
  • highly sensitive, creative, highly intuitive INFP, empath, twin flame topics

contact me by email to book your coaching package NOW (-:

1 hour

(prepaid 1 session)
1 hour session (=60 min) by visio
or phone, once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

160 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

1/2 day or 1 day

(prepaid 1 session)
3 hours sessions by visio
or phone, once.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

450 EUR (VAT included)
750 EUR (VAT included) 1 day

Coaching 1:1

5 or 10 hours

(prepaid 1 session)
5 or 10 hours sessions (=60 min) by visio
or phone, once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

750 EUR (VAT included)
or 1500 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

© Julia Noyel 2024. Photo profile picture: julia noyel

reach your goals summer time coaching august 1st, 2024 to august 28th, 2024

reach your goals summer time coaching august 1st, 2024 to august 28th, 2024

by Julia Noyel

You want to reach your goals now?Love, couple, children, work, money

Get ready for september ! Join my august challenge. Let me take my coaching cards & flipchart and we can start (-: , see how I can help you reach your goals, feel, happy, healthy, successful. 3 hours coaching + weekly follow up by email.

You find all details here.

More topics on my website…
#couple #confianceensoi #selfconfidence #successmindset #INFP #kindness #empathe #empath #intuitive #créative #hypersensible #hochsensible #highlysensitive #parents #parenting #superelternsein #goodvibesonly #réussirvotrevie



reach your goals summer time

reach your goals Summer time

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpg


You want to move foreward in your goals, be successful in your love life,
create your ideal relationship, create a family, do the job you want you are truly passionate about, have time for yourself, others! Any other issues you want to help yourself now, move forward now, be successful!



Welcome, my name is Julia Noyel and I am glad you are here ! Let’s benefit from month August, move forward with your goals ! I love my work and I am so happy to help you move forward now in August, support you, give you guidance, share with you my intuitive insights! That will be fun. Let me take me my coaching cards, my flipboard and let’s start !


I help you to

get clarity on your goals

set an action plan how you can help yourself

take the next steps to move forward

help you use your own innovative approach.


Join my summer challenge !

Challenge yourself move forward now!

My offer is for all who want true deep love, happiness, health, success on a sustainable basis. who want to work intuitively, creatively, pratically, strategically. I work in French, english, Deutsch (-:

what is included ?

3 hours coaching with me between August 1st and August 28th, 2024

weekly follow up by email (short (-:) and encouragement!

by visio, phone (depending on you challenge I will chose between phone, visio (-:)



350 EUR TVA included, payment in advance upon command. FYI: You get 10% of for my program get true deep love back – success on all levels (vers l’amour véritable – succès dans tous les domaines);

Contact me now by email to reserve your spot !


confident INFP highly sensitive creative empathe

confident INFP highly sensitive creative empathe

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel founder of art of a happy, healthy & successful life Coach Infp highly sensitive intuitive creative empath twin flameshi there I am so glad you are here,

you want to

be a confident INFP highly sensitive creative empathe, believe in your goals, your values, your life, your future, be successful, reach your goals, lead a happy healthy successful life,
be a deep loving spouse, trust in your abilities, best parent raise happy healthy successful children, use your unique talent, be one of the best in what you do, have control over your yourself, your life, succeed Now? !

I know this is possible

here is how I can help :

talk about your current state

give you my external point of view as well as my intuitive insights

see together how to be confident, trust in your abilities, be sure

be successful, reach your goals

handle your emotions, resilience

communicate efficiently with others, be respected,
the person you love, your children, others in deep loving kind ways

topics we can talk about

  • self-confidence, be a confident INFP empath, creative highly sensitive
  • be a confident spouse
  • handle your emotions, resilience
  • trust in your abilities, business alignment & wealth
  • feminity, feel confident in using your intuition, your creativity, your unique talent in safe healthy, protected ways
  • manage your unique talent in every day life
  • communicate efficiently, be respected, use your assertiveness, promote yourself in safe, good ways
  • have control over yourself, your life, change your life for the better, safe energy work
  • create a family, pregnancy, get pregnant naturally
  • feel self-confident, safe in your parenting role, raise happy children


  • feeling supported
  • get clarity
  • get new perspectives on how to be a selfconfident INFP empath,
    creative highly sensitive
  • feel confident, feel sure about yourself, believe in your capacity to be successful in all areas of your life
  • motivated, encouraged, believe in you, who you truly are
  • Discover your unique talent, be truly authentic
  • Learn autonomy: free yourself from the thoughts of others
  • Use your super power in safe, healthy protected ways, be super resilient in every day life
  • Adopt an ‘I can do it attitude’: move forward with your fears
  • Be a strong & inspiring leader to yourself, others
  • Help yourself, others
  • Help to do it your way: to accept your uniqueness, use your greatness

Coaching sessions

I offer one hour, 5-hours, 10-hours coaching packages

1/2 a day, one day intensive coaching sessions

as well my coaching program get true love back into your life success on all levels that helps you to help yourself in all areas of your life.

Whereas a one hour session might be a good way to talk about your current state for deeper work a 5 hours, 10 hours coaching package might be helpful. Payments are done in advance and coaching sessions are normally once per week (=60min). you can also opt for a 2 hours session at the beginning and then having one hours sessions with me.

you can also book my 1/2 day, 1 day strategic coaching session if you want to work intensely with me during half a day (3hours), one day on the topic laying the foundation to move forward on your own.


During my coachings sessions I help you develop your own innovative approach, use your unique talent to be the best version of yourself, be super confident. I also give you my intuitive insights as well as hands-on advice to help you be confident.

My coaching sessions take place by phone or video in English, German, or French. Depending on the question, client I choose the most appropriate tools. I work intuitively,
practical, strategically. My coaching sessions are the perfect solution to you if you seek for guidance and you want to talk to me, get clarity and my direct support.

Fees: 160 EUR/hour coaching session, contact me. (-:

Feel free to also check out my coaching programs that help you be truly autonomous.

coaching packages you can choose

1/2 day
Strategic Coaching

(prepaid 3 hours package=1/2 day)

per visio
or phone.

simply contact me by email to book your strategic session.

450 EUR (VAT included)
750 EUR/day (VAT included)

5 sessions

(prepaid 5 sessions package)
1 hour sessions (=60 min) by visio
or phone, once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

750 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1

10 sessions

(prepaid 10 sessions package)
1 hours sessions (=60min) by visio
or phone, (possibility to book two hours sesssions) once per week.

simply contact me by email to book your coaching sessions.

1500 EUR (VAT included)

Coaching 1:1




© Julia Noyel 2024. All rights reserved. Credit Photo profile picture:
julia noyel