Am I like an INFP (self-assessment)

Am I like an INFP (self-assessment)

by Julia Noyel

Julia Noyel spécialiste INFP hypersensible empathe créatif ame jumelle.jpg

you have heard about INFP people and you ask yourself ‘am I INFP?‘ Hi there, my name is Julia Noyel, to know if you are INFP the best is to do the MBTI* test that can help you check if are INFP.

If you want to get a quick idea if you might be like an INFP, I have prepared a quick self-assessment for you to help you check if you are like an INFP!

This test is based on my intuitive insights my own experience as well as my observations, my expertise as expert for  leading a happy, healthy & successful life, true love for INFP, highly sensitives, creatives, empaths, highly intuitives.

This self-assessment is simple and allows you to definine with
12 criteria if you are INFP. Click on the link to do the test. Results are immediate, have fun !  (-:

I do the test now

* the MBTI has been created by  Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Cook Briggs. you find different websites on the internet to do the test.