8 Strategies to increase your HSP self-esteem
by Julia Noyel
Let’s discover 8 strategies to increase your HSP self-esteem. You are wondering how to thrive as a highly sensitive person in this world, feel the emotions, love your sensitivity? In this article, I share with you 8 strategies to increase your self-esteem.
If you are HSP, you want to increase your self-esteem, here you find 8 Strategies to increase your HSP self-esteem:
1. Chose with whom you are talking about your feelings
From my experience, if you are a highly sensitive person (HSP), it is important to choose with whom you are going to talk about your deep emotions.
2. Be kind loving, stay true to your high quality standards
I believe being kind loving, staying true to your high quality standards is helpful.
3. Forgive others
Forgive people, as well as yourself.
4. Know that feeling deeply is ok
Remind yourself: If you feel strongly, there is a reason for it. Listen to your feelings.
5. Appologize
Make the difference between your highly sensitivity and bad behavior. If you behaved badly (called names, criticized someone, yelled etc.) appologize. There are efficient powerful methods.
6. Protect your HSP soul in safe ways
I believe using tools that fit your high sensitivity is helpful, protect your HSP soul in safe ways.
7. Create a strong inner happy, healthy, successful self
To be happy, healthy, successful, increase your self-esteem, self-confidence, build a strong inner SUBSTANCE.
8. Use your wisdom in safe, healthy protected ways.
Use your wisdom in safe, healthy protected ways.
© Julia Noyel 2015.